Leaders In Homoeopathic Therapeutics
by E. B. NASH
Presented by Médi-TCORALLIUM RUBRUM.
Is useful for spasmodic cough, like whooping cough. It is continual, short, hawking through the day, so constant and frequent as to have merited the description given it of "Minute gun" cough. This is during the day and there is not much whooping, but at night there is more whooping. The night paroxysms are sometimes very severe.
I have found Coral. one of the very best remedies for post nasal catarrh, with mutch dropping of mucus into the throat. (Natrum carb.) I do not know any other remedy so efficacious in the majority of cases, and generally prescribe it, unless I have strong indications for some other remedy. I seldom fail to hear a good report from it. Coral. has also been found useful in chancre. The ulcer is red (coral red), flat and exceedingly sensitive, sometimes painful. Chancroids or soft chancre, for which the old school cauterize, may find a swift and sure cure in Coral.
This is a good remedy for gonorrhœa when there are on account of slow or intermittent flow of urine indications of formation of a stricture, and will, if given early (high), often prevent it So much pain and suffering often necessitating operation for the relief of stricture has been experienced that everything possible should be done to avert it. In the first place the cauterization method, or fashionable local treatment, is responsible for nearly, if not quite, all strictures. I know that such practice is neither scientific nor curative in the remotest sense, and on the other hand I know that constitutional treatment alone is adequate to cure (not simply suppress) the worst cases, and that in the shortest possible time. Another use for Clematis is for curing the orchitis arising from the suppression of gonorrhœa, or when it may have extended to the testicles without such suppression, which latter condition seldom occurs. The testicle becomes greatly swollen, and if not promptly relieved becomes indurated and hard as a stone. I have cured this very promptly with Clematis. Pulsatilla is undoubtedly the remedy oftenest indicated in orchitis from suppressed gonorrhœa, but if after it has reduced the pain and restored the discharge it fails to reduce the swelling or induration, Clematis will do the rest. It has not disappointed me. Clematis has a symptom similar to Coffea, viz., "Toothache relieved by holding cold water in the mouth."
This remedy acts strongly upon mucous membranes. It has, like many other remedies, been so abused by the old school that it has fallen into disrepute, and the tendency even with our own school under such circumstances is to underrate its virtues or to fail to investigate as they ought to. It is, however, an excellent remedy in the form of chronic bronchial catarrh, with profuse expectoration of greenish or gray purulent matter. (Stannum, Lycopodium, Sulphur, Phosphorus, etc.) Among remedies not yet well understood we have:
Copaiva, profuse greenish-gray, disgusting smelling sputa.
Illicium anisatum, pus, with pain at third cartilage, right or left.
Pix liquida, purulent sputa, pain at left third costal cartilage.
Myosotis, copious sputa, emaciation, night sweats.
Balsam Peru. catarrhal phthisis, copious purulent expectoration.
Yerba santa, accumulation of mucus causing asthmatic breathing.
I mention these remedies in order to call attention to them for trial in case we cannot find the curative among the better proven ones. All the old remedies had to have their beginnings.
Copaiva is a valuable remedy in gonorrhœa. There is great irritation in the urethra and at the neck of the bladder. It may be indicated in the beginning, when the discharge is thin or milky, and later, especially when the disease has extended to the bladder, with discharge of a large amount of viscid mucus or blood and mucus in the urine. Although not so violent in its action on the urinary tract as Cantharis, it stands very close to it.
This remedy, also fallen into disrepute from its empirical use in the old school, has an important place in the therapeutics of gonorrhœa, if after the first or inflammatory stage is passed under the usual remedies for that stage there still remains burning in the urethra after urination and the discharge remains thick, yellow or puslike. Notwithstanding Mercurius or Pulsatilla, we may find our remedy in Cubeba. I have made some fine cures myself in such cases. With Pulsatilla the discharge, while thick, or yellow, or green, is more likely to be bland, as it is on mucous membranes elsewhere. Mercury has a similar discharge, but all the symptoms are worse at night. When the discharge becomes thin (gleety) neither of these remedies are, appropriate.
Right here let us call attention to another remedy which ought to be mentioned in connection with the treatment of gonorrhœa.
It has a very characteristic indication for its administration, viz.: "Great and sudden desire to urinate," children stand and jump right up and down from pain and urging. This is mostly found in chronic cases (especially after gonorrhœa) after the inflammation has extended backward to the neck of the bladder. Another very troublesome symptom found under Petroselinum is itching in the urethra; feels as if he must run a stick or something in there and scratch it. Burning, tingling, from perinæum throughout whole urethra. Children are sometimes troubled with such sudden and intense desire to urinate that they will jump right up and down, trying to hold on until their clothes are unbuttoned. It is like the sudden desire for stool of Aloe -"must git thar."
Coryza with frequent sneezing and profuse acrid discharge, corroding upper lip and nose. Lachrymation also profuse but bland. (Euph. reverse).
Cold extends to the bronchi, with profuse secretion of mucus; coughing and much rattling (Chelidon).
Modalities < in the evening, and in warm room, > in open air (the coryza).
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Anyone who has cut up raw onions for coming knows what is the effect upon the eyes and nose -irritation, which causes violent sneezing and lachrymation. Then, if the homœopathic law of cure is true, it ought to be a good remedy for coryza, and so it is; but like every other remedy, it cures its own peculiar and characteristic form of the disease.
It has constant and frequent sneezing, with profuse acrid discharge, which burns and corrodes the nose and upper lip, and it is worse in the evening and indoors and better in open air. It has also profuse lachrymation, with burning, biting and smarting of the eyes, but the discharge is bland; that is, it does not make the eyes sore afterwards. There may or may not be headache; if there is it is, like the coryza, worse in warm room or evening and better in open air. I have found it particularly useful in children when the profuse coryza or cold extended downward to the bronchi, with a like profuse secretion in the bronchial tubes, with much coughing and rattling of mucus. Before Cepa came into homœopathic use we used to give Euphrasia when there was profuse coryza and lachrymation. The difference between the two remedies is, that with Cepa the nasal discharge is acrid and the lachrymal bland, while exactly the reverse is true of Euphrasia. The action of the remedy seems to be primarily in the nose with the one and in the eyes with the other, and thus we must learn to differentiate between all remedies.
The action of this remedy seems to center in the eyes. If you read the symptoms as laid down in "Hering's Guiding Symptoms," you would think that it would cure almost all possible affections of the eyes, acute or chronic conjunctivitis, iritis, kerato-iritis, spots, vesicles, pannus, etc., and so it will if indicated by the symptoms.
In colds with cough and severe fluent coryza it will sometimes cure, but here the choice must be made between it and Arsenicum, Cepa and Mercurius. (See Cepa for comparison).
In measles with watery eyes and fluent coryza it is sometimes the best remedy. I remember Dr. C. W. Boyce, of Auburn, N. Y., reporting great success with it in an epidemic in that city.
He cured all his cases with it. So I went for the next epidemic in my vicinity with Euphrasia, and my failure was as marked as his success. It was not the remedy for my epidemic. But I know enough not to "go it blind" that way very long, and hunted up my simillimum. Then I succeeded, too. Look out, young man, for the remedy that is recommended for all cases of any disease, or you'll "come down hard" some time.
One very prominent characteristic in eye troubles for this remedy is a tendency to an accumulation of sticky mucus on the cornea, which is removed by winking. All cases of any kind attended with photophobia and lachrymation, with or without coryza, should suggest this remedy, or at least call it to mind. In the eye affections of Euphrasia the lids are often involved. Of course this is so with other remedies, such as Arsenicum, Apis, Rhus toxic., etc. Study up. one more symptom: Cough, sometimes dry, but generally loose, worse during the day, not troublesome at night. This is important, as more coughs are < at night.
Tonsils red, swollen, with white spots, which sometimes coalesce and form patches; pains run up into the ears, and aching, bruised, sore feeling in head, back and limbs; < on motion, but must move; he aches and is so sore.
Irresistible inclination to bite the teeth or gums together. (Dentition).
Breasts very hard, swollen, hot and painful; pain radiates all over the back when the child nurses.
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Phytolacca decandra is one of our most valuable remedies for sore throat, and the indications are plain. The throat becomes generally inflamed; the tonsils swell and become very red at the first, and then white spots appear which (unless checked) soon spread and coalesce and form patches of a diphtheritic appearance. There are sharks pains often running up into one or both ears. These are the local throat symptoms, and the constitutional symptoms are:
Intense head and backache, and a sore, aching, bruised feeling all over the body, causing the patient to groan, and while, like Rhus toxicodendron, he feels as if he must move, the act of moving greatly aggravates all his pains and soreness. The patient is also greatly prostrated, and sitting upright makes him faint and dizzy like Bryonia. There is high fever, for the pulse is very quick; but the heat, like that of Arnica, is mostly in the head and face while the body and limbs are cool.
Now these symptoms present, it makes no difference whether the case is called tonsilitis, diphtheria or scarlatina. Abundant experience in my own person and observation with my patients has proven Phytolacca to be a remedy of inestimable value. Nor is it necessary to give it in twenty drop doses of the mother tincture, and gargle in addition, as some advise, but it will in the potentized dose do much better, the same as other homœopathic remedies. I have done some good work with this remedy in follicular pharyngitis, especially when in public speakers the voice gave out from over-work and there was much burning in the throat, as of a hot substance there. In this kind of sore throat I have the best success with the remedy very high.
Now let me call attention to a symptom of this remedy that has been of great value to me: "Irresistible inclination to bite the teeth or gums together." On this indication I have often relieved the complaints of various kinds incident to the period of dentition. I once had a case that was sent up to the country from New York City. The child had been sick a long time, with cholera infantum (entero-colitis), and its physicians said it must leave the city or die. But country air and change of diet brought no relief. The little fellow was greatly emaciated, having frequent loose stools of dark brown color, mixed with slime or mucus of the same color. After trying various remedies I discovered that the child wanted to bite its gums together, or to bite on everything that it could get into its mouth, and the mother then told me that this had been the case all through its sickness. Phytolacca produced immediate relief of the symptoms and rapid recovery followed.
I have since verified this symptom several times. Phytolacca is also one of our best remedies for mastitis. The breasts are very hard, greatly swollen, hot and painful. When the child nurses the pain radiates all over the body. There is fever, great pain in the head and back, and if it is a bad case, unless checked, is very liable to go on to suppuration. Every time the child nurses the pains spread all over the body.
The choice often lies between this remedy and Bryonia, and they complement each other. Almost every case of swollen breasts with the milk fever, when the breasts fill for the first time after confinement, may be speedily relieved with one or the other of these two remedies. If the case should have gone on to suppuration, with large fistulous, gaping and angry ulcers discharging a watery or fœtid pus, Phytolacca is still the remedy; and will often do more good than Hepar sulphur. and Silicea. But the choice sometimes has to be made between other remedies such as:
Croton tiglium. The pain runs through to the back when child nurses. (Silicea, Pulsatilla).
Phellandrium. Pain runs along the milk ducts between the acts of nursing.
Lac caninum. The breasts are greatly filled and so sore that their own weight hurts the patient, who wants to hold them up and shrinks from the least jar. Of course Aconite, Apis and Belladonna must not be forgotten, and have as positive indications for their use as any of the above remedies. (See also Castor equorum.)
I have removed a great many suspicious lumps or tumors in the breasts, some of them of years' standing, by giving a dose of Phytolacca c. m., once a month, during the wane of the moon. What has the moon to do with it? I do not know. I cure goître the same way (but not with Phytolacca), and was led to that way of administration by a suggestion of Jahr. That some diseases have their aggravations in certain times of the moon I know, and that certain remedies act better then, I know just as well. Do not forget that the bruised, sore feeling of Phytolacca that we noticed at length when writing of Arnica is sometimes markedly present in sciatica, for which it is one of our successful remedies. The characteristic symptom for Phytolacca in this painful affection is, that the pain runs down the outer side of the limb. Sciatica is one of the complaints in which Homœopathy has scored some of its most brilliant victories over the anodyne treatment of the old school. Periosteal rheumatism, where the pains are especially worse in wet weather, sometimes finds a remedy in Phytolacca. This drug seems to resemble in its action on the periosteum, glands, bones and skin Kali hydroiodicum, and the two remedies complement each other, of course, with indications, or the choice may sometimes lie between them. H. C. Allen says: Phytolacca occupies a place midway between Bryonia and Rhus tox., and will often help when these seem indicated but fail. It is curious to note that almost every chemical remedy has a closely resembling relative from the vegetable kingdom. Kali hydroiodicum and Phytolacca, Aloes and Sulphur, Cepa and Phosphorus, Chamomilla and Magnesia carb., China and Ferrum, Belladonna and Calcarea ost., Ipecac and Cuprum, Bryonia and Alumina, Mezereum and Mercury, Pulsatilla and Kali sulphuricum. This has been before mentioned by Hering.
Sudden local congestion, especially to head and chest; bursting headache rising up from neck, with great throbbing and sense of expansion as if to burst; cannot bear the least jar.
Can't bear anything on the head, especially hat; or pressure as of a hat.
Over-heating in the sun, or sunstroke.
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This is, in the first place, one of our great head remedies. It has intense pain in the head, with great throbbing and sensation of fullness and constriction of the vessels of the neck. There are so many symptoms attending this condition of congestion that it is not wise to try to give them all here. I used, in my early practice, to carry a small vial of the 1st dilution in my case on purpose for those who were inclined to sneer at the young doctor and his sweet medicine, and many a disbeliever have I convinced, in about five or ten minutes, that there might be power in small doses of sweet medicine, by dropping on the tongue a drop of this preparation, for it seldom failed to produce its characteristic throbbing headache within that time. One lady, not willing to acknowledge that it affected her, rose to leave the room, and fainted and would have fallen to the floor if I had not caught her. No one ever asked after that experiment for any more proof of the power of homœopathic medicine. This throbbing headache, seeming to arise from the neck, is very characteristic, and the throbbing is not a mere sensation but is visible in the carotid arteries. The vessels are full to bursting, and if their walls were not healthy there is danger of apoplexy. No remedy equals this one for producing sudden and severe congestion of the head, and none can cure it quicker when indicated by the symptoms. The remedies that stand nearest Glonoine in their effect on the head I believe to be Belladonna and Melilotus. Belladonna and Glonoine both have the fullness, pain and throbbing, but that of Glonoine is more intense and sudden in its onset, and, on the other hand, subsides more rapidly when relieved. Again, Glonoine is better adapted to the first or congestive stage of inflammatory diseases of the brain, while Belladonna goes further and may still be the appropriate remedy after the inflammatory stage is fully initiated. Belladonna is better by bending the head backward; Glonoine worse. Belladonna is made worse by having the head uncovered, and suffers from having the hair cut; Glonoine must have the head uncovered, can't bear to wear his hat, or wants the hair cut. Belladonna is worse lying down, even if he keeps still; Glonoine, though sometimes worse after lying down, is also sometimes better when lying still. One symptom very characteristic of Glonoine is, that the patient carries the head very carefully, for the least jar or shaking of it greatly aggravates the pain. Another peculiar symptom is, it seems to the patient that there is not only throbbing, but there is an undulating sensation as if the brain were moving in waves synchronous with the pulse. There is more disturbance of the heart action with Glonoine than with Belladonna, though both have it strongly. Glonoine has a sensation of rush of blood to the heart or chest.
Melilotus also has great congestion to the head, with pain and sense of fullness. Not being so thoroughly proven as Belladonna and Glonoine, we cannot so clearly indicate the exact place for it, but there is one very prominent symptom which always makes one think of it, viz.: "Glowing redness of the face." No remedy that I know of has it more strongly. Glonoine and Belladonna may both have very red face; on the other hand, a pale face, with the other congestive symptoms, does not contraindicate them, but does Melilotus. Then, again, with Melilotus the head symptoms are often relieved by a profuse epistaxis, which is also another very prominent symptom of this remedy. I cured a very bad case of typhus cerebralis, and also a case of insanity of long standing, with this remedy, being guided to it by these symptoms.
"Loses his way in well-known streets" is a symptom of Glonoine that has several times been confirmed. The local congestions of Glonoine are often found in different diseases; for instance, climacteric flushings are often most felt in the head. Glonoine cures such cases. It is also useful in puerperal convulsions. And another symptom often present in these cases is, a sense as if the head were expanding from fullness. Now look out for convulsions and give Glonoine, especially if there be albumen in the urine. Congestion to the head from suppressed or retarded menses sometimes finds a remedy here; also, different pathological conditions of the heart, but the symptoms must be present.
For sunstroke it is probably oftener indicated than any other remedy; also for the after-sufferings therefrom. Not only from sunstroke, but from other bad effects of radiate heat; for instance, children get sick in the night after sitting too long or falling asleep before an open coal fire.
Then, again, warm room increases the headache and warm bed the faceache.
"Burning between the shoulders" is another symptom of this remedy, like Lycopodium and Phosphorus. Ammonium muriaticum and Lachnanthes have the opposite. While we are here now I will call attention to another remedy, which, for flushings and congestions to head and face, resembles Glonoine, that is, Amyl. nit.
MELILOTUS ALBA (Sweet Clover).
Here is a remedy of undoubted great value. The best rendering of it is given by Dr. H. C. Allen in the transactions of the I. H. A., page 104, year 1887, although a very fair one is found in the "Guiding Symptoms" (Hering). The provers all had fearful headaches and hæmorrhages except myself (Bowen).
The congestion to the brain is equal to that of Belladonna and Glonoine, and the most characteristic symptom of such congestion is intense redness of the face, with throbbing carotids, which is often > by a profuse epistaxis. Several years ago I cured a very bad case of mania of the religious form with the 6th potency. This lady had had one similar attack a few years before, when, after she had been given up by two allopaths, who said she must go to the asylum, I relieved her with Stramonium. She was very loquacious at that time.
This time Stramonium failed, but no indication of the intensely red face I gave her Melilotus with a rapid and permanent cure. The first cause of these attacks was overheating in the sun.
One more case will illustrate the action of this truly great remedy.
During a run of typhoid fever in a young lady she had frequent attacks of profuse epistaxis. One attack followed another, sometimes twice or three times in twenty-four hours, until I became alarmed on account of the great loss of blood.
She had been subject to frequent attacks of nosebleed since childhood, from the time she was injured in the nasal passage by a button she pushed up the nose, and which a "regular" claimed, after much violence, to have pushed down her throat, but which in reality remained in her nose a long time -several months- when it was ejected in a fit of coughing and sneezing. Two years before I carried her through a very severe attack of diphtheria, which was also attended by severe nosebleed, occurring at night, the blood hanging in clots from the nose like icicles.
Mercurius sol. 30th then stopped it very nicely. Now the blood clotted some, but not so markedly. Mercurius did no good. Every attack has preceded by the most intense redness and flushing of the face and throbbing of the carotids I ever witnessed. The nosebleed would invariably follow within a few hours this apparent rush of blood to head and face. Belladonna did no good. Neither did Erigeron, which, in Hering, "has congestion of the head, red face, nosebleed and febrile action."
Melilotus 30th relieved promptly not only these attacks of congestion to head and nosebleed, but the whole case afterward progressed without an untoward symptom to perfect recovery.
F. A. Waddell, M. D., reports a case of pneumonic congestion, in which the characteristic red face and epistaxis were present, as cured with this remedy.
Dr. Bowen, to whom belongs the credit of first introducing this remedy to the profession, reports many cases of headaches, colic, cramps in the stomach and spasms relieved and cured by it. It seems to me that this remedy should be classed with Belladonna and Glonoine, and never forgotten in comparison with remedies having strong head symptoms.
It has quite a reputation for arresting paroxysms of epilepsy and resuscitating patients sinking under anæsthetics. It is given here by olfaction. There are various speculations as to how it does this; the most important thing, after all, is that it does it.
We know that it causes and cures tumultuous heart action very similar in appearance to that of Glonoine. I have cured a very bad case of chronic blushing or flushing of blood to the face on the least excitement, either mental or physical. It was in a young married woman, not near the climacteric, and she had suffered very much for a long time. The cure is permanent and the patient is very grateful, for, as she said, she supposed it was natural and medicine could not help it. Those who cannot blush don't need it. This is all the experience I have had with this remedy and I always used it in the 30th.
I do not know much about this remedy from a homœopathic standpoint. It first gained a reputation with the old school profession for its sleep-producing qualities and its power over epileptic seizures. As usual, it was pushed for these things until they found it was a dangerous remedy in the large doses which they had to use to produce the desired effect.
They discovered that it produced sleep, not by increasing the blood in the brain to stupefaction, like Opium, but, by decreasing the amount of blood, thus resembling more nearly natural sleep. Then they exclaimed, Eureka! But, alas! too great and long-continued anæmia resulted in lack of nutriment to the brain tissue, and as a consequence there developed depression, melancholia, insanity and signs of brain softening until Hammond, its chief advocate, admitted that it put more patients into the insane asylum than any other remedy.
Well, for what can we safely use the remedy? For the symptoms arising from cases simulating the effects of Kali bromatum, just as we do any other homœopathic remedy. I do not understand the remedy well enough to give characteristic indications for its homœopathic uses. There is one symptom which I think is valuable as a "guiding symptom," viz.: "fidgety hands." The patient must be working or playing with them continually; even the sleeplessness is somewhat relieved by moving the fingers over the bed clothes; or he plays with his watch chain or the head of his cane, anything to work off this excess of nervousness. Zincum has "fidgety feet," and Phosphorus a general fidgetiness of uneasiness; can't sit still, but changes position continually; not like Rhus toxicodendron, because he is relieved of pain by moving, but because he is simply nervous. The homœopathic uses of Kali bromatum ought to be better understood.
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