Leaders In Homoeopathic Therapeutics
by E. B. NASH
Presented by Médi-TRHODODENDRON.
Will naturally come in for notice while we are upon weather remedies. Like Dulcamara, its strongest characteristic is in its modality, "aggravation in wet stormy weather;" but Rhododendron is particularly worse before the storm, especially a thunder storm; after the storm breaks the patient feels better. The aggravation before the thunder storm does not at all seem to depend on the coldness or dampness, but partially at least on the electric conditions of the atmosphere. This is like Phosphorus, Natrum carb. and Silicea. Rhododendron resembles Rhus toxicod. in that it is worse during rest and better during motion. Again, the pains of Rhododendron, which are aggravated in damp weather, differ from those of Rhus toxicod. in that they seem to be deeper seated and are felt in the periosteum, as in the teeth, and in the bones of the forearm and tibia. These pains are not, however, confined to periosteal membranes, but attack also muscles and ligaments, so as to make it difficult to choose between these remedies.
So we have quite a list of marked wet weather remedies in Dulcamara, Natrum sulphuricum, Rhododendron, Rhus toxicodendron and Nux moschata. (Calcarea phosphorica, wet cold, especially melting snow).
Rhododendron seems to have an especial affinity for the testicles. They are swollen, with drawing contusive pains, which sometimes extend to abdomen and thighs, and they are very sensitive to touch. The remedies most like it are Aurum metall., Clematis erecta, Pulsatilla, Argentum metall., and Spongia. If the affection was of syphilitic origin we would prefer Aurum, especially if the case had been abused by old school mercurialization. If it came from suppressed gonorrhœa, Clematis or Pulsatilla; if of rheumatic origin, Rhododendron. Of course all the case would come into the calculation when making up the perfect picture.
This remedy which has already been mentioned as to its prominent action in the periosteum, especially in injuries and effects therefrom, also, like Arnica, has a "bruised, lame sensation all over as after a fall; worse in limbs and joints," and also "all parts of the body upon which he lies are painful, as if bruised." Like Rhus tox., the Ruta patient wants to change position frequently. The pains and lameness of Ruta seem to have a particular liking for the wrists. Here also must Eupat. perf. be remembered.
These pains in the wrists of Ruta are, like Rhus toxicod., < in cold, wet weather, and > on motion. There is no remedy oftener useful for eye-strain from close study, sewing, etc., than Ruta. The eyes feel weary and ache as if strained, or they burn like balls of fire. Two other remedies must be remembered for eye-strain, viz.: Natrum muriaticum and Senega. An understanding of these three remedies may save many cases of asthenopia or weakness of accommodation from the abuse of spectacles. Ruta is also one of our best remedies for prolapsus of the rectum.
Ignatia stands closest here. Both are < on stooping, lifting, or at stool. Muriatic acid and Podophyllum should also be remembered; with the former the prolapsed organ is very sore and sensitive to the least touch, even of the sheet on which he lies, and the rectum comes down even when urinating (Aloe). The prolapse of Podophyllum is almost always accompanied by the characteristic diarrhea, but may be the result of strain by lifting, when the uterus may also prolapse. These uses of Ruta make it a very valuable remedy.
Rheumatism begins in feet and travels upward (Kalmia opposite).
The swellings are pale, sometimes œdematous, and < at night, in the heat of the bed; uncovering or cold water relieves.
Ecchymosis; "black eye" from a blow or contusion; better than Arnica.
Rheumatism and rheumatic gout; joints become the seat of nodosities and "gout stones," which are painful.
Complaints of people who are cold all the time; lack of animal or vital heat; parts cold to touch, but not cold subjectively to patient.
Punctured wounds by sharp-pointed instruments, rat bites, stings of insects, especially mosquitoes.
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Ledum is a very valuable remedy for rheumatism. This complaint is confessedly a very difficult disease to cure by old school treatment. Seldom is a case of the inflammatory form completely cured by them. The great majority of their cases run from the acute into the chronic form, and last for life. They are often drawn all out of shape (their patients), or left with incurable valvular heart trouble. This is not the case under homœopathic treatment. On the contrary the patients treated homœopathically are generally cured, and very seldom left with any heart trouble, even if the disease commenced there, as it sometimes does. Oftener, of course, it begins in the back, extremities or joints generally, and then if treated allopathically with local applications it is driven to the heart, which cannot be reached with local applications, hence stays there until exudations occur and hardened deposits from upon the valves. Any homœopathic physician guilty of treating a case this way, with such results, ought to lose his practice and his diploma.
I do not say this inadvisedly, for I have lived and practiced for thirty years past in a decidedly rheumatic district and know whereof I affirm. When we homœopaths of the East condemn those of the West for the Quinine (in material doses) treatment of intermittents, we are reminded that we do not live in miasmatic districts so we are not authority and we can only reply that we know many physicians who do live there who cure their patients without the abuse of Quinine. But in this verdict of mine on rheumatism I cannot be turned off that way. Rheumatism is one of those diseases that presents plenty of symptoms and modalities to guide to the choice from a long list of remedies of the one appropriate to the case in hand. There is such a great difference in the results of applying the remedy according to symptomatic indications, and those arising from simply pathological prescribing, that one does not need long to experiment to be convinced. Indeed the pathological condition in this complaint does not figure largely in the account, for purposes of prescribing. But sensations and modalities do.
The Ledum rheumatism begins in the feet and travels upward. This is the opposite of Kalmia, which goes the other way. Ledum may be indicated in both acute and chronic forms of this complaint. In the acute form the joints are swollen and hot, but not red. The swellings are pale and the pains are worse at night and from the heat of the bed, wants them uncovered. This is like Mercurius, but with Mercury the profuse sweat without relief, and especially the characteristic mouth and tongue symptoms will decide. I have seen wonderful benefit from Ledum in such cases.
In the chronic form of the disease this remedy is equally efficacious. Here also we have the joints swollen and painful, especially in the heat of the bed, and painful, hard nodes and concretions form in the joints of feet first, then hands. The periosteum of the phalanges is painful on pressure. The ankles are swollen and the soles are painful and sensitive, can hardly step on them. This painful and sensitive soles of feet is also found under Antimonium crud., Lycopodium and Silicea, and I have relieved it, other symptoms agreeing, with each and every one of these remedies. In these case of rheumatic troubles the Ledum patient is unnaturally cold. "Lacks vital or animal heat," in this, again, resembling Silicea; but although the Silicea patient has chronic rheumatism of the feet, ankles and soles similar to Ledum, aggravated also at night, the warmth of the bed does not aggravate, but on the contrary he wants to be covered warmly. Under Ledum the relief from cold is so prominent that sometimes the only amelioration is from putting the feet into cold water. It is well to think of Ledum in all cases of rheumatism of the feet and study it up.
We must not leave this remedy without calling attention to its virtues as a remedy for injuries. We are apt to think of Arnica first, for bruises and the results therefrom, and, on account of its well deserved reputation, to forget that there are sometimes other remedies equally valuable. Ledum sometimes comes in to finish up a work that Arnica began well, but could not complete, even when Arnica was best at first, for it often removes the ecchymosis and discoloration more rapidly and perfectly. For black and blue spots from blows or bruises there is no better remedy than Ledum.
Then, again, we have Sulphuric acid, which is very useful in ecchymosis from the same cause, especially if occurring in cachectic or weakened constitutions, with tendency to purpura, or breaking down of the blood. This pathological condition would be attended with the characteristic symptoms of the drug. We often have ecchymosis into the conjunctiva or sclerotica, for which Nux vomica is specific, but for "black eye" from a blow of the fist no remedy equals Ledum in the 2c potency. Ledum is a good remedy for punctured wounds, such as the sticking of a nail into the foot, or an awl into the hand, etc.; also for stings of insects, especially mosquitoes, but this also needs modification. It makes some difference what kind of tissue is wounded by this kind of wound If a nerve, for instance, Hypericum would be preferable; if the periosteum, Ruta; if the bone, Calcarea phos., or Symphytum to promote re-union or repair. We must not forget to mention in connection with what has been said of Ledum in injuries of the eye that if there is great pain in the eyeball itself from the blow, Symphytum may have to be used. For all these affections I believe the 200th potency better than the lower preparations.
Diarrhœa; stools watery, profuse, painless and offensive or cadaverously smelling.
Vomiting of large quantities and intense thirst; water is vomited the moment it reaches the stomach; food is retained a little longer.
Restlessness, anguish, great prostration; pale with blue rings around the eyes; surface covered with sweat, but it is warm sweat.
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Bismuth is one of our best remedies for cholera infantum; genuine cholera infantum, where the disease is sudden in its onset, and rapid it its course. Such cases die in a night or even a few hours, unless Bismuth, Veratrum, Kreosote or some remedy of such rapid action saves them. With Bismuth the stools are watery, profuse, painless and very offensive; cadaverous smelling. There is also vomiting of large quantities and the intense thirst is accompanied with vomiting of the water drunk the moment it touches the stomach. Water only is so vomited. Food is retained a little longer (with Arsenicum, both water and food are vomited). There is prostration equal to that of Arsenicum or Veratrum album, but the surface is warm and often covered with warm sweat. The face is deathly pale, with rings around the eyes. This is a perfect picture of Bismuth, and no other remedy need be confounded with it.
Again, Bismuth is a remedy for purely nervous gastralgia The pain is of a pressing nature, sometimes pressing between the shoulders and sometimes there is much burning in the stomach (Arsenicum). It is also often of benefit in cancer of the stomach, when there is at times vomiting of enormous quantities of food that seems to have lain in the stomach for days. In such cases there is much burning and pain. It has a restlessness and anguish, similar to Arsenic, wants to move around, can't stay long in one place. In the neuralgic form of gastralgia the lower triturations have served me best, but in cholera infantum I never use lower than the 200th and have seen remarkable results. Solitude is unbearable, child wants mother to hold its hand for company (Stramonium).
Cholera infantum; profuse vomiting; cadaverous smelling stools.
Hæmorrhagic diathesis; small wound bleeds profusely (Phos.).
Acrid, fœtid, decomposed, mucous secretions; sometimes ulcerating, bleeding, malignant.
Gums painful, dark red or blue; teeth decay as soon as they come.
Sudden urging to urinate or during first sleep, which is very profound.
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This curious substance seems to act chiefly upon the mucous membranes, producing profuse and offensive secretions and ulcerations, with greatly depressed vitality. This is especially true of the genital organs of the female. Leucorrhœa is putrid, acrid, corrosive, staining the linen yellow. The parts with which the discharge comes in contact itch and burn, while scratching does not relieve but inflames the parts. This remedy has a tendency to hæmorrhages, which are often very obstinate. The hæmorrhages occur with leucorrhœal trouble; they are intermittent, will almost stop, then freshen up again and again. This is often the case with the lochia after confinement, when the choice may lie between these three remedies, Kreosote, Rhus tox. and Sulphur. The other symptoms must decide between them. This ulceration may be found in cancer of the uterus, and then Kreosote will often be of great value. I have no doubt that many cases which degenerate into cancer might be prevented by its timely use. In some cases there is awful burning in the pelvis, as of red-hot coals, with discharge of clots in foul smelling blood. I see that Guernsey recommends it in cancer of the mammæ, saying it is hard, bluish-red and covered with scurvy protuberances. I have never so used it, but in corrosive leucorrhœas and ulcerations I have with great satisfaction. I generally used it in the 200th, with simply tepid water injections for cleanliness.
There is perhaps no remedy that has a more decided action upon the gums (not even Mercury) than this one. It is not used often enough in painful dentition. The gums are very painful, swell, look dark-red or blue, and the teeth decay almost as soon as they are born. A child that has a mouth full of decayed teeth, with spongy, painful gums, will find its best friend in Kreosote. Cholera infantum in such children is of common occurrence, and is of a very severe type, for the vomiting is incessant and the stools cadaverous smelling. Never forget Kreosote in cholera infantum, which seems to arise from painful dentition. or in connection with it, for I have seen some of the finest effects ever witnessed from any remedy from this one.
I have used it here also in the 200th. Kreosote is also one of our best remedies in other kinds of vomiting; in the vomiting of pregnancy and in that other intractable disease of the stomach, known as gastromalacia. I do not know any characteristic indication for it here; but should I find the troubles before mentioned, in part or whole such as corrosive leucorrhœa, or the hæmorrhages, or a general hæmorrhagic tendency, small wounds inclined to bleed profusely (like Lachesis and Phosphorus), I would feel confident of Kreosote.
Kreosote has strong characteristics in regard to urination.
First, it has copious pale urine.
Second, they can't go quick enough, the urging is so great or sudden. (Petroselinum.)
Third, the child wets the bed during first sleep, which is very profound, can hardly wake it. (Sepia).
Can only urinate when lying. (Zinc. met., only when sitting bent back).
To recapitulate. Bad teeth and gums "from way back," fœtid corrosive discharges; great debility and hæmorrhagic tendency, should always call to mind this remedy.
Inflammatory affections travel crosswise, from side to side, back and forth (rheumatism, sore throat, etc.).
Breasts and throat get sore at every menstrual period.
Mastitis; breasts very sore and tender; cannot bear a jar of the bed; on stepping has to hold them up, on going down stairs.
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At one time I would not have admitted this substance into my list of remedies, for I thought it a disgrace to try to foist dog's milk upon the profession as a homœopathic remedy. But after accumulated evidence in its favor, and the rule that I had adopted early in my professional life, "to prove all things and hold fast that which was good." I concluded to try it, and my first trial was in a case of inflammatory rheumatism which had withstood my best efforts to relieve for two weeks.
The pain travelled from joint to joint, but Pulsatilla utterly failed. I noticed, after awhile, that it not only travelled from joint to joint, but crosswise; one day in the right knee, the next day or two in the left, and then back again, etc. Lac caninum cured the case very quickly. Not long after I had a very severe case of scarlatina. The throat was swollen full, and the restlessness was so marked with pains in the limbs which left the patient tossing from side to side that I thought surely Rhus tox. must be the remedy. But it failed to relieve. Then I discovered that the soreness of the throat and the pains alternated sides. This called my mind to the remedy, which was given with prompt relief. I used the c. m. in both these cases.
Two cases of tonsillitis in one house in separate families. I was called to treat one of them, and a very excellent Allopathic physician the other. Of course there was close watching to see which case would get well the quickest, and especially if either could be cured without suppuration taking place. They were both very bad cases. Both progressed rapidly for forty-eight hours. In my case the swelling began on one side; the next day was even worse on the other side, so I told them that as the first side was better I thought the last one would be better tomorrow; but alas the next day number one was worse again, the patient could not swallow, food and drinks came back by the nose. It was with much difficulty, chocking and struggling that even a spoonful of medicine could be taken. I hesitated no longer, but gave Lac caninum c. m. at noon, and when I visited her in the evening found her taking oyster broth and she could speak distinctly, whereas she could not articulate a word in the morning. In another day the patient was well except some weakness. The other case went on the suppuration and was over a week longer in getting around. So another victory was scored for Homœopathy, and I have continued to verify this characteristic of erratic pains, alternating sides, until I consider it as reliable as the keynote of any other remedy.
The curative power of this remedy being settled in my mind, I determined to test it by a proving. I induced three clerks in a dry goods store to take pills (No. 35) of the 200th (B. & T.), once in two hours. They would not consent to do it until I told them what they were to take, and one of them, a well-read young man, remarked with a laugh that if wolf's milk would not kill Romulus and Remus it would not them. The result was that within three days they had sore throats, and the young man mentioned had on both tonsils distinct patches as large as a thumb nail. The other young man was frightened and would not continue the proving, and the young lady's sore throat was followed by a severe cough with soreness of the chest for over a week.
I have found Lac caninum; a very useful remedy in mastitis, the chief indication being great tenderness and soreness which cannot bear the least jar of the bed or stepping on the floor. Again, if the breasts and throat get sore during menstruation, especially if the menses flow in gushes instead of continuously, Lac caninum is the remedy.
Yellow or greenish discharges from mucous membranes; cough loose and rattling.
Rheumatic pains in joints; moving from joint to joint.
Modalities: < in warm room; in the evening, > in open air.
The chronic of Pulsatilla.
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When writing upon the Kalis I left this one out. There is no proving (deserving the name) of this drug, but like some other remedies in our Materia Medica clinical use on the theory of Schuessler has developed some valuate guides to its homœopathic uses. It resembles Pulsatilla in a number of its symptoms, and being a deeper acting remedy is sometime useful to complement that remedy. But first let us note the similarities:
1st. Yellow or greenish discharges from mucous membranes.
2d. Evening aggravation of fever symptoms.
3d Amelioration (general) in open air.
4th. Rheumatic pains in joints, or any party of the body, of a shifting, wandering nature.
5th Aggravation in a heated room.
6th Loose cough, with rattling of mucus.
These are all very similar to Pulsatilla, and I have frequently verified them, in cases of catarrh of mucous membranes, whether acute or chronic, but especially chronic or after the failure of Pulsatilla.
I once produced rheumatism of the joints with Kali sulph, and it was of the above described kind, thus proving the symptom genuine, though up to that time it was only clinical I always use it in the 30th, and I think that any after-cured symptom from a potency as high as the 30th will be found in accordance with our law of similia when thorough proving of the drug is made.
Pain in stomach when it is empty, > by eating.
Frequent ineffectual desire for stool, from insufficiency or paralytic state of rectum; with sense of lump or plug in anus; with the effort the desire vanishes.
Loss of memory; irresistible desire to curse and swear; feels as if he had two wills, one commanding, the other forbidding, to do things.
Pain and sensation as of a blunt plug in different parts.
Suspects every one and everything around him; when walking he felt anxious, as if some one were pursuing him; weakness of all the senses.
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Anacardium orientale is a very valuable remedy, but is not, I think, generally appreciated by our school. It ought often to be used in that hydraheaded complaint called dyspepsia, for which Nux vomica is so indiscriminately used. Both are excellent remedies, and it is only necessary to know the difference to make the choice between them easy. Anacardium has a pain in the stomach, which comes on only when the stomach is empty and is relieved by eating, while Nux vomica is relieved after the process of digestion is over. The pain of Nux vomica is worst two or three hours after meals, but lasts only until digestion is accomplished, and then comes relief, whereas, with Anacardium, this is the time when the suffering is worst. I have cured many cases (some of them of quite long standing) of this description with Anacardium, and find almost as many of them as I do Nux vomica cases. I have found the 200th here more efficacious than the lower potencies. The potency here as well as elsewhere and with all remedies has more to do with success in curing than some imagine.
Case. In the fall of 1899 I was called to a lady, married, 35 years of age, mother of three children.
She was quite emaciated, with a yellowish cachectic look of the face. A couple of years before I treated her when she had an attack of vomiting, in which she vomited coffee-ground substances.
She was relieved at that time by a dose of Arsenicum alb., 40m., but had more or less trouble with her digestion up to this time. This last attack was more persistent and did not yield to Arsenicum and some other remedies.
After awhile it appeared that the pain (which was very severe) and vomiting came on when the stomach was empty. She had to eat once or twice in the night for relief. The substance vomited was always black or brown looking like coffee grounds. Her sister had been operated for cancer of the breast, and of course she was very nervous and fearful of cancer of the stomach. Anacardium relieved promptly, and she has had no return of the trouble since then. Whether the cure is complete remains to be seen, but the benefit from the remedy was unquestionable.
Both these remedies have frequent ineffectual urging to stool, but Nux vomica is the result of irregular peristaltic action as observed by Carroll Dunham, while Anacardium has an insufficiency or paralytic state of the rectum which does not appear under Nux vomica. In other words, Nux vomica has desire, but with irregular or over-action. Anacardium has the desire, but with not sufficient action to carry it out. Then Anacardium has a sense of a lump or plug in the anus which ought to come away, which does not appear under Nux vomica.
Anacardium is also one of our leading remedies for loss of memory, especially in old people of broken down constitutions.
Of course, if the characteristic stomach or bowel symptoms were present, or had been suffered from, during former years as a concomitant, or the exciting cause of the mental trouble, the indication would be strengthened.
There are many remedies having loss of memory as a leading symptom, but none stronger than this one. Of course, the whole case must be taken into the account. This remedy has two other peculiar mind symptoms. First: "Irresistible desire to curse and swear." This symptom, queer as it may seem, is no more so than the other symptom found under Stramonium, and often verified, "patient wants to pray continually." Some of the most remarkable and convincing cures have been made on just such symptoms. Another symptom is, "the patient feels as if he had two wills," each commanding or moving him to do opposite things, or one commanding him to do a thing and the other commanding him not to do it. Such symptoms are often found in dementia, and are valuable guides to the curative remedy. See my case reported under Platina. Then, again, Anacardium has two other peculiar symptoms. One as of a hoop around parts, and the other as of a plug in inner parts. This may be found in head, chest, abdomen or anus. The sensation of a hoop around parts may be found in spinal troubles and Anacardium will be the remedy. Other remedies have a general characteristic sensation, as Anacardium has the sensation of a plug; for instance, the feeling of fullness as if too full of blood of Æsculus hippocastanum. and the sensation of constriction of Cactus grandiflorus. Anacardium is also said to be a good antidote for Rhus poisoning. I have never used it for this.
Inactivity of the rectum; even the soft stool requires great straining.
Anæmia in women, who are hungry for starch, chalk, rags, charcoal, cloves and other ridiculous unnatural; things; potatoes disagree, profuse leucorrhœa.
Great heaviness in lower limbs, weak, has to sit down; numbness of heels; sense of hot iron thrust through back.
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The chief characteristic leading to the use or this remedy is found in its peculiar constipation. "Inactivity of the rectum, even the soft stool requires great straining." Like Bryonia, there is no desire for stool and the constipation seems to depend upon dryness of the mucous follicles. Again it is adapted to dry, spare subjects. There are other points of resemblance between these two remedies and they complement each other well. There are both excellent in infantile constipation, which is often a very obstinate affection to treat. Anacardium, Sepia, Silicea and Veratrum album are nearest of kin in this lack of expulsive power in the rectum.
Alumina is one of our remedies in chlorotic conditions. The patient is pale, weak, tired, must sit down to rest. The menses are scanty, delayed, and are pale colored when they come, and after the menses the patient is exhausted and pale. (Carbo an. and Cocculus.) Then, again, there is profuse leucorrhœa sometimes running down to the heels if she does not wear a cloth. (Syphilinum.) It is as profuse as the menses ought to be. These anæmic patients are often hungry for starch, chalk, rags, charcoal, cloves and other ridiculous and unnatural things. Alumina is a great remedy in such cases. The Natrum mur. chlorotic couldn't eat bread, or had an aversion to it. The Alumina patient can't eat potatoes; they disagree. Pulsatilla can't eat fat food, pastries, etc. Alumina resembles Pulsatilla in chronic nasal catarrhs, and both are of tearful temperament, but the constitutions are different. Alumina being dry and thin, Pulsatilla phlegmatic. One thing I forgot to mention under stool and rectum, viz., Alumina is one of the best remedies for hæmorrhages of the bowels in typhoid fever. The blood comes in large clots looking solid like liver. This remedy is also very efficacious in chronic sore throats, like clergyman's sore throat. There is "soreness, rawness, hoarseness and dryness." This dryness excites a continual disposition to hawk, and after a long time the patient raises a little thick, tough phlegm. This kind of throat is temporarily relieved by warm food and drinks. The remedy nearest to this is Argentum nitricum, but in Argentum there are wart-like excrescences or granulations in the throat. Both remedies have a sensation of a splinter in the throat, as do also Hepar sulphuricum, Dolichos and Nitric acid.
Alumina has also a sensation of constriction in the throat and œsophagus. It hurts to swallow. Alumina is recommended for the following symptoms, which often appear in locomotor ataxia: "Great heaviness in the lower limbs; can scarcely drag them; while walking staggers and has to sit down; in the evening." "Inability to walk except with the eyes open and in the day time." Numbness of the heel when stepping." "Excessively faint and tired, must sit down." "Pain in the back as if a hot iron were thrust through the vertebræ." I give these on the authority of others, for I have never verified them. I will add here the value of Alumen.
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