(Atropa Belladonna).
(The freshly expressed juice of the whole plant at the commencement of its flowering, mixed with equal parts of alcohol.)
The plant gathered in the garden (on a rather dry soil and preferably on the slope of a hill) is little if at all inferior in medicinal power to the wild plant, although some physicians have asserted the contrary.
From the following completed list of the symptoms of belladonna it will readily be seen that it corresponds in similarity to a number of morbid states not infrequently met with in life, and that hence it must frequently be homoeopathically applicable for curative purposes, like a polychrest.
Those small-souled persons who cry out against its poisonous character must let a number of patients die for want of belladonna, and their hackneyed phrase, that we have well-tried mild remedies for these diseases, only serves to prove their ignorance, for no medicine can be a substitute for another.
To take an example, how often are the worst forms of sore-throat (especially those combined with external swelling) given over to death, in spite of all their employment of venesection, leeches, blisters, gargles, emollient poultices, cooling powders, sudorifics and purgatives. And yet, without all these tortures, they might have been cured in a few hours with a single minute dose of belladonna.
And what other real medicine would not be hurtful, dangerous, and poisonous in the hands of the ignorant? Certainly every powerful medicine would be so if given in unsuitable cases of disease and in disproportionately large doses-for, which the so-called physician would be solely to blame. On the other hand, the most potent and energetic medicines will become the mildest by diminishing the dose sufficiently, and they will become the most curative, even for the most delicate and sensitive bodies, when they ate given in appropriate smallest possible doses, and when the case of disease consists of affections very similar to what the medicine itself has shown it can call forth in healthy human beings. With such potent drugs as belladonna, we must never neglect to exercise the requisite carp in the homoeopathic selection. But this would never enter the head of the routine practitioner who, as is well known, is in the habit of treating all cases with a few prescriptions learned by rote.
Taught by a hundredfold experience at the sick bed during the last eight or ten years, I could not help descending to the decillion-fold dilution, and I find the smallest portion of a drop(As the dose is one globule the size of a poppy seed (300 of which weigh only a grain), moistened with it, we give less than 1/1000 th of a drop of the fold medicinal dilution spiritualized (potentized) by succession, for with a single drop many more than 1000 such small globules can be moistened.) of this for a dose quite sufficient to fulfil every curative intention attainable with this medicine.
Two drops of the juice mixed with equal parts of alcohol, taken as unity (as with other vegetable juices), and shaken with' 99 to 100 drops of alcohol by two downward strokes of the arm (whose hand holds the mixing phial) gives a hundredfold potentized dilution; one drop of this shaken in the same way with another 100 drops of fresh alcohol gives the ten-thousand fold dilution, and one drop of this shaken with 100 drops of alcohol, the millionfold. And thus in thirty such phials the potentized dilution is brought to the decillion-fold, with which the homoeopathic physician effects the cures he can expect to make with belladonna.
(The above is the method to be employed for the dilution and potentization of the other vegetable juices.)
Belladonna, in the small dose just described, is, if the case is homoeopathically adapted, capable of curing the most acute diseases (in which it acts with a rapidity proportionate to the nature of , the disorder). On the other hand, it is not less serviceable in the most chronic ailments, in which its duration of action, even in the smallest dose, amounts to three weeks and more.( The best preventive of hydrophobia is the smallest dose of belladonna, given at cry every third or fourth day, and repeated at ever longer intervals.)
Almost all authors have asserted that vinegar is an antidote to belladonna, but that is a mere conjecture, copied: in simple faith by one from another, and yet nothing is further from the truth. Repeated experience has taught me that vinegar only aggravates the ill-effects of large doses of belladonna.. (STAPF also observed that in the violent headache from belladonna vinegar laid on the forehead increased it to such an intolerable degree that it had to be taken off.)
Opium relieves the paralytic symptoms and abdominal pains caused by belladonna, but only in an antipathic and palliative way, very probably also it removes, in very small doses, the sopor caused by belladonna.
But the stupefied condition, the mania and the fury caused by belladonna, are soonest and most surely homoeopathically removed by one or two small doses of henbane. But the intoxication by itself is best subdued by wine, as I have seen, and as TRAJUS .and MOIBANUS long ago observed.
When small dose of belladonna, unhomoeopathically selected, causes lachrymose disposition with chilliness and headache, an equally small dose of pulsatilla relieves.
But suitable help is most urgently required in cases where belladonna has been swallowed in considerable quantities, for example, in the form of its berries. In such cases relief is obtained by drinking a large quantity of strong coffee, which removes the loss of irritability and the tetanic convulsions, tough it only does that antipathically. It also promotes the vomiting of the berries most certainly, the fauces being at the same time irritated with a long feather in order to empty the stomach.
The erysipelatous swelling caused by belladonna are readily removed by hepar sulphuris. Camphor too, displays much antidotal power against some of the morbid effects caused by belladonna.
The prophylactic power of belladonna (given in the smallest dose every six or seven days) discovered by me, against, the true erysipelatoid smooth scarlet fever, as described by SYDENHAM, PLENCITZ, and others, was calumniated and ridiculed for nineteen years by a large number of medical men, who were not acquainted with this peculiar form of children's disease, and consequently mistook for it the red miliary (purpura miliaris, roodvonk (See THOMASSEN A THUESSINK, "Over de Roodvonk," 1816, extracted from his Geneeskundige Waarnemingen.)) that came from Belgium in 1801. This they falsely called "scarlet fever," and naturally they failed to get any result from the administration of my prophylactic and curative remedy for true scarlet fever, in this red miliary fever. (This red miliary (roodvonk) is quite a different disease, requiring quite different treatment. Belladonna naturally does no good in it, and the ordinary routine practice allows the majority of patients to die of it. These might be all cured by the alternate administration of aconite and tincture of raw coffee-the former for the heat and increasing restlessness and agonizing anxiety, the latter for the excessive pains .with the lachrymose humour. The aconite should be given in the decillion-fold dilution of the juice, and the raw coffee in the million-fold dilution ; both in the smallest portion of a drop for a dose, the one or the other, according as they are indicated, given every twelve, sixteen, or twenty-four hours. In recent times these two very different diseases (smooth scarlet fever and purple miliary) seem to have occurred complicated with one another in some epidemics ; hence in some of the patients belladonna, in others aconite, seemed to have been most useful.) I am happy to say that of late years other medical men have again observed the old true scarlet fever. They have amply testified to the prophylactic power of belladonna in this disease, and have at last rendered me justice after having been treated so long with unmerited contempt.
Symptoms have been taken front the following old-school authorities:
ACKERMANN, in Struve's Triumph d. Heilk., iii. Acta Nat. Cur., Vol. ix..
ALBRECHT, in Commerc. lit. Nor., 1731.
BALDINGER, in Neues Magazin f.'Aerzte, i.
BAYLIE, Prae. Essays on Med. Subjects.
BOUCHER, in Journ. de Med., a%, Aout.
BUCHAVE, in Samml. br. Abh., f. pr, derzte, xiv.
BUCHHOLZ, in Hufet. Journ., v.
BUO'HOZ, in vicat, Planter Venen. de la Suisse.
CAMERARIUS, EL., Obs. ; Med: Chir. Wahrnehm., vii ; and in Wepfer, Hill. Cic.
CARL, in Act. Nat. Cur., Vol. iv. Commercium liter. Nor., 1731.
CULLEN, Mat. teed., ii,
DIARIES, Diss. de Belladonna, Lips., 1776.
DILLENIUS, in Misc. Nat. Cur.. Dec. iii, ann. 7, 8.
DUMOULIN, in Journ. de Mod., xi, Aout.
EHRHARDT, Pftanzenhistorie, x.
ELFES, in Bust's Magazine Vol. xxi.
EVERS, in Berliner Samml., iv.
EVERS, in Sehmucker's Vermischten Scltyiften, i.
FABER, Strvchnomania.
G-CH, in HUM, Tourn.., xxii.
GMELIN. EB., in Acta Nat. Cur., Vol. vi, app. ; Pflanzengifte.
GOCKEL In Frankische Samml., iii.
GREDING, in Ludwigni Adversaria mod.
GRIMM, in Act. Nat. Cur., Vol. ii.
HASENEST, in Act. Nat. Cur., Vol. iii.
HENNING, in Hufel. journ. xxi.
HOCHSTETTER, Obs. teed., Fft., .1674.
HOFFMANN, FR., Medicina Ration.
HORST, Opera, ii.
HOYER, in Misc. Nat. Cur., Dec. iii, ann. 7, 8. Hufeland's Journal f, pr. Arzn., xvi.
JUSTI, in Hufeland's Journ., vii.
LAMBERGEN, TIB., Lectio inaug. silt. eph. pers. carcin., Groping., 1754.
LAUNAY D HERMONT, DE, in Hist, de h Acad. des SC.
LOTTINGER, bled: Chir. Wahxnehm., Altenb., ii.
MANETTI, Viridarium florentinum Florent., 1751.
MAPPI, Plant. Alsat.
MARDORF, Diss. de Maniacis - Giessensibus, Giesae, 1691.
MAY, in Hannover. Mag., 1773, No. 97. Med.-Chir. Wahrnehmungun aus verschiednen Sprachen ubersetzt, Altenb., Vii.
MEZA, Dr, in Samml. br. Abh. f pr. Aerzte, xiv.
MOIBANUS, in Schenck, vii,.
MULLER, in Horn's Archiv. ix.
MUNCH, Ueber die Belladonne.
MUNCH, in Richter's Bibliothek, v.
OLLENROTH, in Hufel. Journ., vii.
PORTA, J. B. Magia Natur., viii.
RAU, in Act. Nat. Cur., Vol. x.
RAY, Histor. Plant., lib. 13.
REMER, in Hufel. Journ., xvii.
ST. MARTIN, DE, in Tourn. de Me&, xviii Aout.
SAUTER, in Hufel. Journ., xi.
SAUVAGES, Motorola, ii.
SCHAFFER, in Hufel. Tourn., vi.
SOHMU- Chirurg. Wahrnehm., ii ; Vermischten Schriften.
SCHRECK, in Commerc. lit. Nor., 1743.
SICELIUS, Observer Dec. iv.
SOLENANDER, in dbh. der Konigl. Acad. d. Wissensch., Breslau, 1750.
STRUVE, Triumph der Heilk., i.
TIMMERMANN, Diss. Periculum Belladonna.
VALENTINI, in Misc. Nat. Cur., Dec. ii, ann. 10.
VICAT, Planter Veneneuses de la Suisse.
WAGNER, Misc. Nat. Cur., Dec. ii, ann. 10.
WARE, JAMES, in Gilbert's Annals, 1816 xi.
WASSERBERG, in Stop's Ratio Medendi., iii.
WEINMANN, in Gmelin's Pflanzengifle.
WELLS, CHARLES, in Gilbert's Annals, 1813, ii.
WETZLER, in Annal. d. Heilkunde. 1811, Feb.
WIEDEMANN. in Hufel. Journ., xxii.
WIENHOLT, Heilkr. d. Thier. Magnetismus, i.
WIERUS, De praestig. Daemonum, iii.
ZIEGLER, Boob., Lips., 1787.
In the Fragments there are 405 symptoms of belladonna, in the 1at Edit. 650 in the 2nd Edit. 1422, and in this 3rd Edit. 1440.]
Vertigo. [SICELIUS,( Not accessible.) Observ., Dec. iv, Cas. 4,-ZIEGLER, (Not accessible.) Beob., Leipz., 1787, pp. 21-38.-R. BUCHAVE,( Symptoms observed in whooping-cough patients to whom large doses of the extract had been administered .) in Samml. br. Abh, f, Pr. Aerzte, xiv, iv -HENNING,( Effects of grain doses of powdered leaves given for pemphigus .) in Hazel. Journ. xxi, i.-EB. GIMELIN,( Poisoning of an old man by the berries. When the form m which the plant wee taken is not mentioned, it will be understood that the berries were ingested.] ) in Acta. Nat. Cur., vi. App.]
Vertigo ; objects seem to sway hither and thither. [ Ws.]
Whirling in the head, vertigo with nausea, as after rapid turning round in a circle, or as after the morning sleep following a nocturnal debauch. [Hbg.]
Whirling in the head, and at the same time a similar whirling in the pit of the stomach ; after, rising it became so bad when walking, that she could not distinguish anything, everything vanished from her sight. [Kr.]
5. Vertigo as if all whirled round in a circle (aft. 1 h.). [Hrr.]
He goes round in a circle. [DE ST. MARTIN.( Poisoning of a boy of four .) Tournal de Med., xviii, Aout ]
Stupid and whirling in the head ; she feels better in the open air, worse in the room (aft. 1/4 h.). [Stf.]
Attacks of vertigo, when at rest and when moving. [Gss.]
A giddy feeling in the whole head, like vertigo, when sitting. [Htn.]
10. Vertigo and trembling of the hands, so that she could not do anything with them. [ BALLINGER,( poisoning of four adults.) Neues Magazin f. Aerzte, i, I St., p. 30. ]
When walking he staggers, holds on to the walls, complains of anxiety and vertigo, and often talks nonsense like a drunken person. [BALDINGER, l. C.]
She rises from bed in the morning and staggers as if intoxicated, hither and thither. [GREDING. in Ludwigii Adversar. med. pr., i, P. iv, p. 670(Greding's symptoms from vol. i of Ludwig's Adversaria are taken from a series of twenty-three cases, of which the first thirteen were pure epileptics and the remainder epilepto-maniacs, treated by belladonna in increasing doses of the powdered lea"" As al mental symptoms occurring in the patients of the second category must be esteemed doubtful, I have indicated them by adding to each the number of the case from which they were taken.) (14).]
Giddy swaying. [MARDORF, ( Poisoning of several persons.) Diss. de Maniacis Giessensibus, Giesae, 1691.-LOTTINGER,(Not accessible.) Med. Chirurg. Wahrnehm., Altenb., ii,p. 326.-TIb. LAMBERGEN,( Symptoms observed in a patient taking an infusion of Belladonna for some mammary indurations.) Lectio inaug. list. eph. pets. carcin,. Groping., 1754.]
Attacks of vertigo with obtuseness of senses for some minutes (aft. 12 h.).
15. All day long confusion of senses; he known not what he is doing. [Lr.]
Obtuseness of senses.
Cloudiness of the head, with swelling of the glands in the nape (aft. 6 h.).
Immediately after a meal as if intoxicated.
20. On drinking the smallest quantity of beer immediate intoxication.
Muddled head and intoxication as if from drinking wine, with bloated red face. [Commercium liter. Nor., (Same as Albrecht, q. v. ) 1731.]
His whole head is dazed for many days. [Stf.]
Muddled state as in intoxication. [HOCHSTETTER,( Effects of infusion to an adult.) Obs. Med., Fft., 1673, oba. 7.-MAY.( Not accessible.) in Hannover. Map., 1773. No. 97.SICELIUS, 1. C.-DE LAUNAY D'HERMONT,( Poisoning of an adult. ) in Hist. de t' ACad. den Sc.. 1756.-ALBRECHT,( Poisoning of two women and a boy .) in Commerc. lit. Nor., 1731.-BUC'H0Z,( Poisoning of a young boy.) in Vicar, Plantes venen. de la Suisse, p. 183.] [L. Rkt.]
Muddled state of sinciput as if an oppressive fog went hither and thither, especially under the frontal bone. [Gss.]
25. Muddling of the head as from much brandy and tobacco smoke.[ Hbg.]
Muddling and confusion of the whole head, as from the disagreeable feeling of commencing intoxication. [Gss.]
Confusion of the head ; worse during movement. [Hrr.]
Disinclination for all intellectual work. [Hbg.]
Weakness of mind and body. [Hrr.]
30. Weakness of mind. [WIERUS,( Poisoning of an adult.) de Praestig. Daemonum, iii, cap. 17.]
Stupefaction. [WAGNER,( Poisoning of (I) two old women and. (11) some children. [Them numbers will be used to designate the subjects to whom the symptoms belong.] Miscell. Nat. Cur., Dec. ii, ann. 10, Obs. 108 (11)-BUCHAVE; WIERUS, 1. C.]
Confusion of mind, [SICELIUS, l.c.]
Confusion of mind, so that he knows not whether he is dreaming or awake. [MOIBANUS, (Poisoning of a man. ) in Schenck, vii, obs. 164.]
Confusion of the senses ; sleepy and yet awake, he thinks he is dreaming, [MOIBANUS, 1. C.]
35. His senses deceive him. [ACKERMANN,( Not accessible.) in Struve, Triumph der H., iii, p. 303. ]
Exalted, deluded phantasy conjures up a number of beautiful pictures to her. [Kr.]
He imagines he sees ghosts and insects of various kinds, [MOIBANUS, 1. C.]
Her nose appears transparent to her. [Kr.]
He imagines he sees things not present.[ WIEDEMANN, (Effects of B. when given freely to children for whooping-cough) in hufel. Jour., xxii, I.]
40.It seems to her that a spot on the left side of her head is transparent and spotted brown. [Kr.]
He thinks he is riding an ox. [G-cH (Effects of enema of infusion of leaves given for incarcerated hernia) in.Hufel .Jour., xvii, I,]
He does not know his own relations. [ WIERUS, 1. c.]
Want of consciousness ; he sat as if in a dream. [Hbg.]
Unconsciousness. [Stf.]
45.He often lay without sense, without consciousness. [Stf ]
Loss of consciousness and convulsion in the arm, at night. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 672.]
Extreme stupefaction of the senses. [OLLENROTH,( Effects of extract given for mammary scirrhus) in Hufel. Jour:, vii, 4.]
Unconsciousness. [HASENEST,( Poisoning of a young woman) in Acta Nat. Our., iii, obs. 35. -GRIMM, (Poisoning of a child of three) in Acta Nat. Cur., vol. ii, obs. 60-(aft. 2 h,). RAU( Poisoning of a man of fifty), in Acta Nat, Our., x, obs. 24.-EB. GMELIN, 1. c.-HOCHSTETTER, 1. c.]
Unconsciousness with convulsions of the limbs. [BUCHAVE, 1. C.]
50. Complete unconsciousness ; she knows nothing -going on. [HENNING. 1. C.]
Complete loss of reason. [SAUTER,( Poisoning of a child of six.-This case will be distinguished by a (I).) in Huf. Jour. xi, I, p. 125, (I).-BUCHAVE, 1. C.]
Loss of reason, for some weeks. [RAU, 1. c.]
Insensibility. [ VICAT,( Account of general effects of leaves and berries) Plantes veneneuses de la Suisse, p. 181.]
Stupidity. [WAGNER, 1. C. (1)]
55. During the headache her thoughts leave her ; she forgets what she thought of shortly before, and cannot recollect herself. [ Bhr. ]
Distraction of the mind ; he easily makes mistakes in his work, and forgets things that he has just undertaken to do. [Ws.]
He thinks now of one thing now of another ; he could not think of anything properly, and he immediately forgot all he had just thought of or read.[ Lr ]
Impaired memory.
Very weak memory ; he forgets what he intended to do immediately, and can remember nothing.
60.Return of the lost memory. [GREDING, 1 c., p. 650.]
He remembers long forgotten things. [WIEDEMANN, 1. c.]
He remembered things that happened three years before. [Mel. chir. Wahrnehmungen aus verschiednen Sprachen ubersetzt Altenb vii. p. 69. (Not accessible)]
Lively memory (curative effect) (aft. 24 h.)
Violent headache. [LAMBERGEN-GREDING, 1. C., p. 669.]
65. Headache as though the brain was numb.
His whole head-feels heavy, as from intoxication, [Stf.]
A weight in the upper part of the forehead, which' causes vertigo and as it were intoxication (aft. 14 d.).
The head feels heavy as though he would fall asleep; he is disinclined for everything.
Headache, only over the eyes, like a weight in the head, in the morning on waking, and when he touches the eyes it hurts.
70.Feeling, of weight with violent aching in the whole occiput (aft. 2.5h .). [Htn.] .
Weight of the head as if it would fall down. [Ln.]
In the morning headache as if something in the forehead above the eyebrows sunk down; which hinders the opening of the eyes (aft.4h.) [Lr.]
An aching feeling of weight, from the centre of the brain towards the temples, with diminution of the hearing in both ears. [Mkl]
Aching in the right side of the crown, later shifting into the left side, then back again into the right, [Mkl.]
75.Aching headache, especially in the forehead (aft. 2 d.). [Hrr.]
Constant dull aching headache in the side of the head (aft. 5, 24 h.).
Painful aching feeling in the head, especially in the lower part of the forehead, just above the nose, intolerable on stepping. [L. Rkt.]
Headache above the orbits, as if the brain were pressed in, so that he must shut his eye?. [Hbg.]
Aching pain beneath the right frontal protuberance, which soon afterwards involves `the whole forehead (aft. 10 m.)., [Gss.]
80.Violent aching under the right frontal protuberance. [Gss.]
The aching pain under the frontal bone only occasionally declines to return again in still greater intensity. [Gss.]
Aching pain beneath the frontal protuberances, in the morning soon after waking, on getting up. [Gss.]
Violent outward-pressing pain in left frontal protuberance. [Htn ]
Violent inward pressure in the left temple, which on leaning this side of the head on something extends over the whole of the anterior half of the brain (aft: 3/4 h.). [Htn.]
85.Violent outward-pressure in the whole of the left half of the brain, especially severe in the forehead (aft. 2.5h.). [Htn.]
Aching pain in the right temporal region, which on leaning the head on the hand changes into a bursting pain, and .,extends to the right frontal protuberance (aft. 8 h ). [Htn.]
Pressure in the head, now here, now there, that each time involves large spaces. [Hrr.]
Aching headache in the forehead, so bad on moving that it made the eyes close, alleviated when sitting ; he must lie down, whereupon it went off; on standing up it immediately returned, for two days, not aggravated either by eating or by drinking; as soon as he goes into the open air he feels as if the forehead would be pressed in, just as if a heavy stone lay on it ; the third day it went off completely when sitting in the room. [Hbg.]
An aching deep in the brain over the whole head, whilst and after walking in the open air.
90. Headache pressing like a stone in the forehead, ameliorated by laying the head down and stooping forwards, with dilated pupils and whining ill-humor about trifles. (aft. 3 h.).
Tensive pressure in the tight side of forehead. [Hrr.]
Tensive pressure in the left side of the crown and in the forehead (aft. 24 h.). [Hrr]
Headache as if the head was screwed together from both sides and thereby became narrower. [Bhr.]
A constant expansion of the whole brain. [Ln.]
95. Violent pressing-outwards in the whole head, as though it would burst (aft. 3 h.). [Htn]
Headache as if the brain would be pressed out, just above the orbits in the forehead, which hinders the opening of the eyes, and compels lying down, with extreme contraction of the pupils and very low voice (aft. 5, 24 h.).
On stooping forwards pain as if all would come out at the forehead. [Stf.]
Sensation as if the brain pressed towards the forehead, which immediately went off when he bent the head backwards a little (aft. 1 1/4 h ). [Htn.]
On coughing the feeling of pressing asunder in the head is much more severe (aft. 3.5 h.). [Htn.]
100. In the open air the feeling of bursting in the head is very severe, and he ii afraid to cough on account of increasing the pain (aft. 4 h.). [Htn.]
Throbbing pressing in the left side of the occiput (aft. 5 h.). [Htn.]
On account of pain in the forehead he must Often stand still when walking, at every step it feels as it the brain in the forehead sank and rose; this alleviated by pressing strongly on it (aft. 6 days). [Hbg.]
Strong pulsation of the blood-vessels in the forehead, and pain as if the bone were raised up. [Hbg.]
On awaking beating of the blood vessel in the head and in most parts of the body. [Kr.]
105. Violent throbbing in the brain from before backs and to both sides; externally it ends in painful shoot. [Ws.]
Aching gnawing headache on the right side of the upper Part of the head down to the ear, produced by transient gnawing pain in the hollow tooth (aft. 9 h.). [Ws.]
Aching shooting in the temples from within outwards (aft. 0.5 h.). [Ws.]
Cutting pressure in the temples from within outwards, always becoming more violent, extending through the brain, and there turning into severe throbbing, continuing in all positions. [Ws.]
Tearing pressure in the head, now here, now there, especially in the forehead and temporal region. [Hrr.]
110. Tearing pressure in the right temple and crown, that spreads out in various directions. [Hrr. ]
Tearing pressure in the head here and there (aft. 5 h.). [Hrr.]
Drawing aching headache. [Hbg.]
A drawing in the head towards the forehead, as if the brain would expand. [I.n.]
Drawing pain from the temple to above the right orbit.
115. A drawing downwards at the temples and in the right orbit.
Boring and throbbing in the right side of the head, like that in the cheek, aggravated by every movement. [Kr.]
Boring and aching headache during the day on various parts, in the evening shooting. [Kr.]
Boring pain under the right frontal protuberance, soon after awaking in the morning. [Gss.]
Incessant drawing and outstretching headache, as if something rocked or swayed about in it by jerks.
120. Jerking headache, which became extremely violent on walking quickly or going quickly upstairs, and at every step jerked downwards like a weight in the occiput (aft. 48 h.). [ Ws.]
The whole head is affected with shooting pain, chiefly in the forehead. [Stf.]
Obtuse shoots in the left temple from within outwards. [Ws]
In the whole forehead slight shooting headache (aft. 1.5 h). [Stf. ]
Sharp shooting outwards in both frontal protuberances (aft. 2 h.).[Ws]
125. Excessively violent headache of obtuse or aching shoots, which dart through the brain from all sides.
In the tight temple violent shooting pain for a quarter of an hour (aft. 25 h.). [Stf.]
Some obtuse stitches in the left side of the occiput. [Ln.]
In the right frontal protuberance severe shooting, aggravated by stooping forwards, lessened by touch (aft. 5 m.). [Stf.]
Stabbing through the head as with a two-edged knife, in the evening. [Kr.]
130. Stabs as with a knife from one temple to the other. [Bhr.]
In the evening some large stitches in the occiput close behind the ear as rapid as lightning, so that he could have cried out (aft.6 d.)
In the right side of the head cutting stabs as with a two-edged knife which extend at one time into the sinciput, then into the crown, and then into the occiput, so teat he cannot lie on either side. [Kr.]
Three violent strong shoots through the head from the forehead to the occiput, whereupon all the previous headache suddenly disappears (aft. 3 1/4 h.). [Stf.]
Shooting tearing in the head above the right orbit. [Hrr.]
135. Cutting tearing pain in the head that extends from one Part to another. [Hrr.]
Burning tearing pain in the left frontal protuberance (aft. 4 h,). [Htn.]
Tearing pain in the right side of the crown, aggravated by, movement. [Hrr.]
Tearing in the forehead externally.
Tearing in the forehead. [Hbg.]
140. Tearing above the eyebrows. [Hbg.]
Violent pains in the head of a tearing kind, in the sinciput (aft. 8 h.). [Gss.]
Headache on the crown, a twisting, sometimes also digging sometimes tearing ; the pain was much aggravated by external pressure ; her skull appeared to her quite thin, as though it might be pressed through. [8r.]
Cold feeling in the brain, in the middle of the forehead.
Drawing in the forehead. [Kr.]
145. Drawing pain in the frontal bone and in the nape, when at rest and when moving. [ Gss.]
A headache apparently tearing asunder the sutures of the skull, as if a lever were inserted in order to burst open the head. [Ln.] Sensation in the brain as of splashing water. (BUCHHOLZ,( Effects of two-grain doses of the powdered root given to a boy as prophylactic of hydrophobia) in Hufel. Journal, v, 1, p. 252.)
On stooping forwards the blood rushes towards the forehead. [Bhr. ]
On stooping the blood mounts into the head and he become heavy and as if giddy.
150. Ebullition of the blood to the head, without internal heat of head ; when he leaned the head back it seemed to him that blood rushed in. [Hbg.]
Heat in the head (aft. 1/4 h.). [Stf.]
External pain in the whole head like that from rough pulling and rumpling the hair ; pain remains in the scalp. [L.Rkt.]
Gnawing headache externally on the frontal protuberances.[Ws.]
Fine shooting burning on the left frontal protuberance (aft.1/4h.).[Htn. ]
155. A cueing headache on the left side near the occipital protuberance,[ Gss. ]
On the right side of the head, and at the same time in the right arm, drawing pain, when at rest (after dinner). [Hbg.]
Very transient cramp pain on the right side of the vertex (aft. 11 h.). [Ws.]
Cramp pain on the root of the nose. [ Ws.]
Severe cramp pain on the frontal protuberance, that extends downwards over the zygote to the lower jaw. [ Ws. ]
160.External feeling of contraction of the frontal and eye muscles.[Ln.]
Scratching itching on the forehead (aft. 1 h). [ Ws.]
A painful boil on the temple.
Red painless pimples break out on the temple, on the tight corner of the mouth, and on the chin ;- on scratching bloody water exudes (aft. 13 h.). [Lr.]
Swelling of the head. [Kr.-MUNCH. (Effects of large doses (gr. 4-14) of the powdered root given as prophylactic of hydrophobia) On Belladonna -HORST, (Poisoning of an adult by inspissated juice.-The head, he says, "swelled to double its size)Opera, ii, p. 488. ]
165. Great swelling of the head and redness all over the body.( In two days) [MUNCH, (Effects of large doses(gr. 4 - 14) of the powered root given as prophylactic of hydrophobia.) in Richter's Biblioth., v. p. 387. ]
Falling out of the hair, for an hour (aft. 24 h.).
The hairs, whack were previously idioelectric, are no longer so (aft. 24 h.).
The external head is so sensitive that the slightest touch, even the pressure of the hair, causes her pain. [Kr.]
Restless expression. [BOUCHER,(poisoning of five children - it is only the eyes which are said to be distorted .) in Tour. de Med., xxiv, 3i0.]
170. Distorted features. [BOUCHER, 1. c.]
Paleness of face. [SICELIUS, 1.. c.]
Pale face with thirst. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 650.]
Pale face with increased appetite. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 650.]
Sudden paleness of face for a considerable time. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 677 (16).]
175. Often extreme pallor of face, instantaneously changing into redness of face, with cold cheeks and hot forehead.( Occurring daring a succession of epileptic paroxysms )[GREDING, 1, c., p. 662 ]
Hot feeling in face without external redness (aft. 8 h.). [Ws.]
Burning hot feeling in the whole face, without redness of cheeks and without thirst, with moderately warm body and cold feet (aft. 4 h.), [Htn.]
Creeping hot feeling in the face beneath the skin (aft.1/4 ; h.). [ Ws.]
Burning heat over the face, without thirst (aft. 10 h.). [Lr.]
180. Unusual redness of the face. [Ln.]
Great redness and heat in the face, without perspiration (aft. 24, 30. h.). [ Mkl. ]
Very red, hot face, with icy-cold limbs. [Stf.]
Glowing redness of face, with violent indescribable pains in head[Stf.]
Heat and redness only on the head.
185. Perspiration only on the face.
Rush of blood to the head, red cheeks. [BUCHAVE, 1. c.]
Great heat and redness of the cheeks. [BUCHAVE, 1. c.]
Face very swollen and hot. [BUCHAVE, 1. c.]
Redness and heat in the whole face, as if he had drunk much wine. [Hbg.]
190. Heat in the face all day, as if the blood had mounted to the head from drinking wine (aft. 12 h.).
Blood-red face. (SAUTER, 1. c. (1).]
Swollen skin of face, as if an eruption were going to break out. [ SAUTER.( Effects of large doses of powdered leaves given in fully-developed hydrophobia' Symptoms from this source will be distinguished by a (11).1. C. (11). ]
Face bluish-red, with great heat of the body, in the evening. [WIEDEMANN. 1. C.]
Scarlet redness of the face and chest during sleep. [SCHAFFER,(Effects of B. given to children for Whooping-cough.) in Hufel. Journ., vi.]
195. Scarlet redness of the skin of the body, especially of the face, with marked activity of the brain. [WETZLER,( Not accessible) in Annaleder Heilkunde, 1811, Febr.]
Dark-red spots on the face, resembling the rash of scarlet fever, with full pulse. [WIEDEMANN, 1. C.]
Along with sudden rigor great dulness of head and sight, red eyes, and swollen face covered with very small, unequal, dark-red spots, especially on the forehead. L GREDING, 1. c., p. 685 (19).]
In the morning on awaking a small bluish-red spot on the left cheek, which gradually enlarges until the bluish-red swelling involves the whole cheek, with burning and shooting in the actual red part, and boring and throbbing in the whole cheek, much aggravated by movement ; after some days the. other cheek swelled, and the swelling lasted eight days. [Kr.]
Red swollen face. [MAY, 1. c.]
200. Red swollen face with staring eyes. [JUSTI,( Effect of a single full dose given to an adult as prophylactic of hydrophobia.) in Hufel. Journ., vii, 4, p. 65.]
Swollen face.
The face was red and swollen, but the rest of the body pale. [GRIMN,1. C.]
Swelling of the cheeks, with burning pain. [Fr. H-n.]
Hard large swelling on the face about the nose and eye, with swelling of the parotid gland on the opposite side, lasting five day [GREDING, 1. c., p. 668.]
205. Swelling of the left cheek about the nose and eye, which comes on in the afternoon, increases the following day with -heat, and lasts five days. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 667.]
Swollen face. [MUNCH,1. c.]
Swelling of the face, and especially of the lips. [LAMBERGEN,( connection with S. 367) 1. c.]
An uninterrupted quivering (and winking) of both eyelids. [Ln.]
All day long an uninterrupted trembling and quivering of . the right upper eyelid, that at last becomes painful. [Htg.]
210.Expanded eyelids, eyes standing wide open.
Throbbing pain in the lower eyelids towards the inner canthus, with great inflammatory swelling at that point, with much lachrymation, for half an hour (aft. 32 h.). [Mkl.]
The eyes close and become watery. [L. Rkt.]
Heaviness in the eyes, especially the upper lid. [L. Rkt.]
After waking in the morning, the eyes again close involuntarily; she cannot keep them open until she gets up. [Kr.]
215. Itching stitches is the inner canthi which only leave off for a short time on rubbing (aft. 1 h.). [Ws.]
The inner canthus of the left eye is very painful, even when lightly touched. [Gss.]
Smarting in both eyes. [Hbg.]
Involuntary lachrymation of the eyes.
Salt water runs constantly out of the eyes. [Hbg.]
220. Lachrymation of the eyes. [Mkl.]
Dryness of the eyes (of the nose, mouth, pharynx). [WASSERBERG,( Proving on self. The observer adds, after "eyes;" "with burning in these and the lids.'') in Stoll, Ratio Medendi, iii, p. 403.]
Burning dry feeling in both eyes, alternately worse in one or the other (aft7 h.). [Mkl.]
Pain and burning in the eyes. [GREDING, l. c., p. 644.]
Increased heat and hot feeling in the eyes. [Mkl.]
225. Feeling of heat in the eyes ; it is as if they were enveloped in a hot vapour.
Photophobia ; he avoids looking into the light. []USTI, 1. c.]
Burning of the eyes, accompanied by painful itching ; but both cease when the eyes are pressed upwards (aft. 28 h.). [Mkl.]
In the morning the white of the eye is red-streaked, with aching pain.
Inflammation of the eyes ; injection of the veins of the white of the eye, with a tickling sensation.
230. Inflammation of the eyes : the conjunctiva is traversed by red blood-vessels, with shooting pain ; the eyes water. [Hbg.]
Shooting in the eyes towards the interior. [Kr.]
Yellowness of the white of the eye.
In the morning the eyes are quite sealed up with matter. [Mkl.,Kr.]
Swelling and purulent inflammation of the left punctum lachrymale, at first with burning pain, afterwards with aching pain, for three. days (aft. 4 d.). [Mkl.]
235. A general aching in both eyes. as if hard spring water had got into the eyes. [Ln.]
When she closes the eyes, an aching pain deep in the eyeball. [Stf.]
A cloudy aching comes in the right orbit and goes from that alternately into the forehead and back again. [Gas.]
Aching and watering of the eyes, especially in the morning. [F. H-n.]
Creeping aching pain in the eyes, as if they were full of sand; she must rub them (aft. 1 h.).
240. Aching in the eyes, as if sand had got into them (aft. 2, 1/4 h.). [Lr.]
Aching in the eyes, as from a grain of sand. [GREDING, loc, cit., p. 650.-Mkl.]
Pain in the orbits ; sometimes it is as if the eyes were torn out, sometimes (and this more persistently) as though they were pressed into the head, to which a pain is superadded, that presses from the forehead upon the eyes, [Gss.]
A tearing in the eyes proceeding from the inner canthi. [L. Rkt.]
Drawing pain under the left eye upwards.
245. Contracted pupils, difficult to dilate.
Very contracted pupils all day ; they only dilate in the evening.[Stf.]
Contracted pupils (aft. 10 m.). [Gss.]
Contracted .pupils ,(aft. 1 1/4 h.). [ Ws.]
Contracted pupils (aft. 21/4 h.). [Lr.]
250.The dilatation of pupils commenced after half an hour, and then increased gradually. [Gss.]
Dilated pupils after 3 1/4 hours. [SAUTER, 1. c (1).-Ln.]
The pupils are very dilated in the evening, even when the light is held close to the eye (aft. 12 h ). [Gss.]
Dilated pupils (aft. 14. 15 h.). [Lr.]
The pupils are more dilated, from the third day onwards. [Stf.]
255. Dilated immovable pupils. [MAY, 1. c.]
Extremely dilated pupils. [BOUTCHER, 1. c.]
A small white pustule in the left, extremely dilated pupil. [Hbg.]
Extremely dilated pupils (from laying a fresh belladonna leaf on an ulcer beneath the eye). [RAY, Bistor. plant., lib. 13, cap. 23.]
Sometimes complete loss of, sometimes merely diminished, vision, with enormously dilated and quite immovable pupils. [ELEES, Bust's Magaz., vol. xxi, pt. 3.]
260. Complete dilatation of the pupil of the right eye and blindness for three weeks (from the juice of the plant injected into the eye). (DARIES, Dias. de Belladonna. Lips., 1776., pp. 34, 35.]
Obscuration of vision from dilated pupils. [BUCHAVE, 1.c.]
Obscuration of vision, with extremely dilated pupils. [GREDING,(From three cases of jaundice treated by belladonna.) 1. c.. vol. ii, p. 324.]
Blindness, the pupil of the right eye extremely dilated and incapable of contracting. [GREDING, 1, c., p. 662.]
Great dimness of vision. [JUSTI, 1. c.] -
265. Before the eyes, as if dim, dark, and black (aft. 1 1/4h ).[ Stf.]
Blindness. [HASENEST,( Poisoning of a young woman ) Acta Nat. Cur., vol. iii, obs. .35.]
Amaurosis for three days ; he cannot read print [HASENEST, 1.c.]
He awakes blind. [EL. CAMERARIUS,( Poisoning of four children. 3 Poisoning of a man) in his Obs. and in Wepfer, Hist, Cic.]
The eyes are blind and stand open. [EL. CAMERARIUS, 1. c.]
270. Extreme weakness of sight. [OLLENROTH, 1. c.]
Transient blindness, with headache. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 679 (17).]
Dimness of vision, alternating with convulsions in hands and feet, dulness of head and weariness of limbs. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 683 (18).]
Dimness of vision, dryness of mouth, and pain in belly. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 606.]
Dulness of sight for three hours. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 679 (17).]
275. Along with dulness of sight trembling in all the limbs. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 643.]
Long-sightedness (Presbyopia), as in old age. [LOTTINGER, 1.c.]
He only sees distinctly distant objects and perfectly parallel rays (e. p. a star in the sky) (from bellodonna juice injected into the eye). [CHARLES WELLS, in Gilbert's Annals, 1813, pt ii, p. 133, and JAMESWARE, ibid., 1816, pt. xi.]
Long-sightedness, as in old age (presbyopia) ; he can only read large print. [LAMBERGEN, 1. C.]
Mist before the eyes, blindness [SAUTER, 1. c. (1).-BUCHHOIS, 1. c.]
280. As if mist were before the eyes, obscuration.[ Ln.]
On reading he cannot perceive anything in the book except the white border, which Surrounds black letters transformed into rings,
(MOIBANUS,(Poisoning of a man ) in Schenk, vii, obs. 164.)
Feeling as if he could see nothing, and yet he saw when he tried to see anything, and strained the eyes to do so. [L. Rkt.]
The letters tremble and quiver, of a golden and blue colour, when reading, [BUCHHOLZ, 1. C.]
Before the eyes a large, bright coloured ring round the candle, particularly of a red colour ; sometimes the flame seems to be quite dissipated in rays (aft. 15 h.). [Mkl.]
285. Before the eyes she sees flames, when she lays her hand on the swollen cheek, and the air appears to be misty. [Kr.]
She sees on the ceiling of the room a white star as large as a plate, and light silver clouds pass over it from left to right-several times and in various places. [Kr.]
Large bright sparks from tile eyes.
He sees sparks before the eyes. [ZIEGLER, 1.c.]
On moving the eyelids he sees sparks, as from electricity. [ZIEGLER, 1. c.]
290. Sees objects double. (HENNING,-SICELIUS, 1. c.-Stf.]
He sees nothing at- all near, and everything double at a distance, [Stf.]
He sees objects multiplied and dark.
He sees objects inverted. [HENNING, 1, C.]
Feeling in the eyes as if they stood farther out. [Stf.]
295. Projecting eyes, with dilated pupils (aft. 6 h.). [Mkl.]
Staring eyes. [ MULLER,( Not accessible.) in Horn's Archiv, ix.]
Bold look. [DUMOULIN,( Poisoning of two little girls. ) in Jour. de Med, xi, Aout.]
The eyes ate projecting and sparking. [GRIMM, 1. c.]
Glittering (glassy) eyes. [ZIEGLER, 1. c.]
300. The eyes are very animated, with fully dilated pupils (aft. 20 h.), [BOUCHER, I. C.]
The eyes are red, glittering (glassy), and roll about in the head, [SAUTER, 1. C. (11).]
The eyeballs roof about in a circle spasmodically. [BOUCHER, 1. C.]
The eyes are distorted. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 657.]
Spasms of the eyes, distorting them. [SCHRECK,( Fatal poisoning of a boy of three.) in Commerc. did, Nor., 1743.]
305. Eyes and hands are inconstant spasmodic movement. [BOUCHER, 1, c.]
Unsteadiness of head and hands (aft. 6 h.)
The eyes are distorted, with redness and swelling of face. [BUCHAVE, 1, c.]
Squeezing pressure on the left zygoma. [Ws.]
A tearing and drawing under the right zvgoma (aft. 1/4 h.). [Gss.]
310. Pressure under the right zygoma.. [Gss.]
When chewing, in the right maxillary joint a violent shooting extending into the ear, which continues after chewing, but more as twitching (aft. 1 h.). [Stf.]
Fine stitches in the cavity of the maxillary joint (aft. 1 h.). [Ws.]
Stitches from the upper jaw into the inner ear.
Stitches in the parotid gland.
315. Violent stitch in the right parotid gland, extending to the auricle when it terminates in a crampy pain (aft. 2 h,); next day the same about the same hour (aft. 26 h.).
Tearing pain on the posterior side of the cartilage of the left ear. [Ws.]
Tearing pressure on the lower half of the cartilage of the right ear. [Hrr.]
Tearing in the right auricle, which extended backwards. [Hbg.]
Tearing downwards in the inner and outer ear.
320.Tearing pain in the right auricle, and downwards in the whole side of the face (aft. 24 h.).
Stitches in the external meatus auditorius. [L. Rkt.]
Pinching in the ears, first in the right, then in the left, immediately after the hiccup. [Kr.]
A disagreeable aching in the meatus auditorius, as if a finger were bored in. [Ln.]
Feeling in the external meatus auditorius. as if some one pressed upon it. [L. Rkt.]
325. A very disagreeable feeling in the right ear, as if it were forcibly torn out of the head. [Gss.]
Alternately out-tearing and in-pressing pain in the eats and temples, alternating with a similar pain in the orbits. [Gss.]
Earache in the left ear (aft. 5 d.). [Hbg.]
Sharp blows in the inner ear, with squeezing, like earache. [Ws.]
Near the right ear boring pain. [Kr.]
330. Aching tearing behind the right ear (aft. 1/2 h.). [Htn.]
Behind the left ear to the neck the muscles are painful, as if they were strongly pressed, the same in the frontal muscles. [Hbg.]
A flying stitch darts from the ear into the chin (aft. 1 h.). [Ws.]
Stitches in the inner ear, with impaired hearing in it.
Stitches in the inner eat during eructation from the stomach with the taste of food (aft. 12 h.).
335. Drawing pain from the ears to the nape. [Hbg.]
Violent pressure on the mastoid processes below the ear. [Gss.]
Cutting blows through the mastoid process inwards (aft; 12 h.). [Ws.]
Purulent discharge from the ears for twenty days. [F. H-n.]
Increased sensitiveness of the auditory organ. [SAUTER, 1, c. (11).]
340. First a noise like trumpets and-drums in the ears and like roaring (immediately) ; afterwards humming and buzzing, worst when sitting, better when standing and lying, still better when walking.
Noises in the ears. (VICAT, l, c., p. 181. ]
Rushing noise in the ears, vertigo, and dull bellyache. [GREDING, 1. c., p., 658.]
Wind rushes out of the ears. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 658.]
In the morning, immediately after waking, a fluttering and bubbling before the ears.
345. Deafness, as if a skin were stretched before the ears.
Difficulty of hearing.( Immediately after a severe epileptic paroxysm. )[GREDING, 1. c., p. 694 (23).]
On the root of the nose a couple of small red lumps, paining like a fester, but only when touched (aft. 16 d.). [Ws.]
Pimples break out on the cheeks and nose, rapidly fill with pus, and become covered with a scab.
Very cold nose.( Continuing during seven days of mania.) [GREDING, 1, c., p. 664.]
350. Smell before the nose like rotten eggs for a quarter of an hour (aft. 4 h.). [Lr.]
Aching pain in the nasal bones. [Gss.]
In the nose above the aloe pain as if bruised on touching it externally.
Too sensitive sense of smell ; the odour of tobacco smoke and soot is intolerable to him (aft. 1 h.).
Nose-bleeding (immediately).
355. Nose-bleeding at night.
Nose-bleeding in the morning.
Painful drawing over the left half of the nose. [Hbg.]
Creeping in the point of the nose, that goes off on rubbing. [Ws.]
Fine stitches in the point of the nose from the evening onwards through the night.
360. Sudden redness of the point of nose, with burning sensation.
A very painful left nostril, that is plugged up with matter in the morning (aft. 6 weeks). [Stf.]
Under the nose fine stitches (aft. 1/2 h.). [Ws.]
Great swelling of the upper lip ; it is stiff on opening the mouth.
Painful ulcerous state of the nostrils at the side where they unite with the upper lip.
365. The nostrils and the angles of the lips are ulcerated, but neither itch nor are painful.
Drawing in the upper lip followed by red swelling. [Kr.]
Abscess of the upper lip, causing painful swelling, with fever, headache, and loss of appetite, ending in free discharge of pus.( Filled up from Hahnemann's abbreviations.) [LAMBERGEN, 1. C.]
A white-headed pimple under the left ala nasi, without pain.
Ulcerated angle of the mouth, exactly where the two lips unite, with uncommon tearing pains round about, even when at test and per se (aft. 5 h.).
370. Sore feeling in the corners of they mouth, as if they would become ulcerated (aft. 5, 6, 7 days). [Stf.]
Small pimples, one on the upper lip near the right ala nasi, covered with a scab, another under the border of the lower lip and on the inner akin of the lower lip, all with smarting pain as from salt water. [Hbg.]
Small pale-red pimples at the cornets of the mouth without sensation ; they soon go off without suppurating. [Hrr.]
On the upper lip a pimple, with creeping sensation when let alone, but with itching shooting when touched.
In the corner of the lips an ulcer with red border and eroding itching.
375. On the lower external lip-edge burning pain and small vesicles (aft. 24 h.). [Stf.]
The lips, especially the upper lip, crack in the middle on sneezing and coughing.
A pimple an the border of the lip, equidistant from the middle and the corner, which becomes transformed into an ulcer covered by a scab, and pains like an inflamed part.
Spasmodic movements of the lips. [MULLER, 1. c.]
The right corner of the mouth is drawn outwards.( See note to S. 175.) [GREDING, 1. c., p. 662.]
380. A spasm draws the mouth awry (risus sardonicus). WEINMANN, in Gmelin's Pflanzengifte, p. 296.]
Mouth drawn away by spasms [DE ST. MARTIN, 1. c.]
Bloody foam before the mouth (shortly before death). [Commerc. lit. Nor., 1731.]
Bloody foam before the mouth, shaking of the head, and grinding of the teeth from early morning till noon. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 691 (22).]
Pimples betwixt lips and chin, filled with pus, with burning smarting pain, especially painful at night (aft. 6 days). [Stf.]
385. A pimple with smarting eroding pain externally, below and to the side of the lip.
A pimple on the side of the chin, with itching shooting, but more shooting than itching ; this sensation is removed by scratching.
Several small pimples on the chin.
A number of small miliary papules on the chin, with burning pain on touching them (aft. 3 d.). [Hbg.]
Sharp stitches on the chin (immediately). [ Ws.]
390. A nestling spasm-like feeling in the chin.
Trismus ; impossibility of opening the jaws on account of painful stiffness of the chewing muscles (by day).
Closure of the jaws, trismus. [HASENEST-MAY, 1. c.]
She clinched her teeth together so that they could not be separated, though great force was employed, with twitchings in all the limbs and chilliness. [MUNCH, in Richter's Bibliothek,.' v, p. 566.]
She bit her teeth so tightly together that a tooth had to be broken out in order to introduce fluids. [BALDINGER, l. c.]
395. Stitches and tension in the lower jaw towards the ear. [L. Rkt.]
She feels as if the lower jaw were drawn backwards ; pushing it forwards cases great pain, biting causes horrible pains. [Kr.]
At the ogle of the lower jaws a red boil, which is hard and not painful unless pressed on, which causes shooting pain.
On the lower border of the right lower jaw sharp stitches.
Throbbing on the lower border of the lower jaw (aft. 1/2 h). [Ws.]
400. In the lower jaw (in the glands ?) (a jerking drawing ?) pain that darted in rapidly and quickly went off. [Stf. ]
Swollen cervical glands, which are painful at night ; on swallowing they do not hurt. [Bhr.]
Stitches in a gland at a side of the neck.
On the left side of the neck, in the cervical muscles, a cramp-like tensive sensation, even when not moving (aft. 1/4 h.). [Htn.]
Her head is drawn backwards ; it buries itself at night deep in the pillow. [Bhr.]
405. Stiffness of the neck, so that he cannot lay the head sideways. [Kr.]
Stiffness of the nape. [Bhr.]
Drawing in the cervical muscles. [Hbg.]
In the right cervical muscles drawing aching pain. [Hbg.]
Fine stitches in the pit of the throat. [ Ws.]
410. Aching sensation on the left side of the larynx, which is increased by external pressure (aft. 1/2 h.). [Htn.]
Feels the beating of the cervical arteries. [Kr.]
Aching pain in the nape close up to the occiput, which is not altered by movement (aft. 3 h.). [Htn.]
Violent stitches in the nape often .renewed, in the region of the second and third cervical vertebrae, on holding up the head (aft.3/4 h.). [Htn. ]
Violent grinding of the teeth. [MUNCH, 1. c.]
415. Grinding of the teeth with much foam before the mouth of the smell of rotten eggs. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 692 (22).]
Grinding of the teeth and convulsion of the right arm. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 687 (20.).]
Grinding of the teeth with copious flow of saliva from the mouth. (GREDING, 1. C., p. 653.]
Extremely painful swelling of the gums on the right side, with fever and chilly feeling. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 686 (20).]
Vesicle on the gums beneath one of the front teeth, with pain as if burnt.
420. The gums on being touched pain as if ulcerated.
Heat in the gums: itching and throbbing in them.
Very tiresome itching on the gums, with pains in the throat. [BALDINGER, 1. C.]
The gum at a hollow tooth bleeds (aft. 6 d.). [Ws.]
On sucking with the tongue at the hollow teeth, blood flows out of them, without pain. [Ws.]
425. A drawing in the upper front molars of the right side, remaining the same under all conditions. [Gss.]
Tearing pain in a lower hollow tooth and in the sound molar next it ; the contact of air or of food increases the pain horribly (aft. 4 d.). [Hrr.]
Toothache more drawing than shooting.
Toothache with drawing in the ear.
He wakes up after midnight with violent tearing (?) in the teeth.
430. By the contact of the open air a uniform simple toothache, like the pain of excoriation (aft. 1/4 h.).
Not while eating, but only several minutes after eating the tooth ache comes on, increases gradually to a high degree, and decline equally gradually ; it does not come on after drinking.
Toothache in the evening after lying down and during intellectual work ; a dull pain in the nerve of the roots of the teeth, almost like the pain of excoriation, and when worse like a continual cutting
Toothache ; sharp drawing from the ear downwards into the hollow teeth of the upper jaw, where the pain became boring slighter whilst eating, more severe after eating, never quite leaving off by day, but worst at night and completely hindering seep (after drinking coffee it chanced to a dull jerking and boring). [Hpl.]
Dull drawing in right upper row of teeth at night: the pain prevented sleep ; the painful part was somewhat swollen with burning pain and hot to the touch ; sometimes painful jerks in the teeth. [Hbg.]
435. A fine shooting pain in an upper hollow molar all day, allowing him but little sleep at night, followed by swelling of cheek.
(A transient digging toothache.)
(The incisors feel too long.)
Teeth painful on biting as if the toots were festering and would break off.
Single, very painful twitches or throbs in the root-nerves of one of several teeth.
440. In the mouth a feeling of increased space, just as if the tongue was further down than usual. [Kr.]
Feeling as if the tongue were asleep, dead and numb, in the morning. [Kr.]
Feeling of coldness and dryness in the fore half of the tongue. [Kr]
The whole tongue is painful, especially when touched. [Stf.]
Cracked, white furred tongue, with great secretion of saliva. [Hbg.]
445. On the middle of the white furred tongue severe smarting pain, as from a vesicle (aft. 3 d.). [Stf ]
On the tip of the tongue a feeling as if a vesicle were there which has burning pain on being touched, for two days. [Hbg.]
The lingual papilla: are bright red, inflamed, and much swollen (aft. 3 d.). [Stf.]
Trembling of the tongue. [ WEINMANN, 1. c. ]
Stammering of the tongue. [RAU, 1. c.]
450. Stammering weakness of the organs of speech, with perfect consciousness and dilated pupils.(aft. 2, 3 h.).
He stammers like a drunken person. [BUCHAVE, l. c.]
Transient speechlessness (aphonia). [SAUVAGES, Nosol., ii, 2, p. 338. ]
Paralytic weakness of the organs of speech.
Speechlessness ; they emit no sound (aphonia).( In the original, "stupidae atqne aowvol." )[WAGNER, 1. c. (1).]
455. Dumbness. [HASENEST, 1. c.]
Difficult speech, difficulty of breathing, and great prostration, after the anxiety.
Speaking is very difficult for him ; his voice is piping.
Very low voice, with headache, as if the brain would be pressed out, just over the orbits, in the forehead, which prevents the eyes being opened, and compels him to lie down, with extreme contraction of the pupils.
Tongue covered with much viscid, yellowish-white mucus. [JUSTI, 1. c.]
460. Viscid mucus in the mouth. [Mkl.-GREDING 1. c., p. 648.]
Viscid saliva hangs in long strings out of the mouth. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 687.]
Great flow of saliva. [ OLLENROTH. 1. c.]
Soreness inside the cheek ; the opening of the salivary ducts is as if eroded.
465. He often spits out viscid mucus. [GREDING. 1. c., p. 684 (19).]
He has much mucus in the mouth, especially in the morning after rising, sometimes of a putrid taste. [Hrr.]
The saliva in the throat was inspissated, viscid, white, and adherent to the tongue like glue, so that she must always take some liquid into the mouth. [ SICELIUS, 1, c.]
Slimy mouth, with the feeling as if he had a bad smell from the mouth, as when the stomach is deranged.
In the morning the mouth is full of mucus ; he must wash it out from time to time ; after eating the mucus disappears.
470. Slimy mouth in the morning on awaking, with aching headache (both lasting but a short time.)
In the morning on awaking he smelt very badly out of the mouth.
Great feeling of dryness in the mouth, with very irritable humour; yet the mouth and tongue look moist.
Great feeling of dryness in the mouth ; there wad very little viscid mucus on the tongue, and the lips were hot and their skin peeled off.
Viscid mucus in the mouth and dry feeling. [Hrr.]
475. Dryness in the mouth. [ZIEGLER, I. C.]
Great feeling of dryness in the moist mouth, with stickiness and great thirst. [Stf.]
Great dryness in the throat. [CULLEN,( Effects of infusion in a sufferer from cancer of lip.) Mat. Med., ii, p. 307.]
Dryness in the mouth with thirst. [Ln.]
Aridity of the mouth, as if the inner skin had been removed by something acrid. [LOTTINGER, l. c.]
480. Dryness of the mouth that can scarcely be got rid of. [DE MEZA,( Effects of a five-grain dose of the powdered leaves in a case of mammary tumour. ) in Samml. br. Abh. f. A., xiv, 3.]
Dryness in the throat. [WIENHOLT,( Not accessible.) Heilkr. d. Thier. Magnetismus, i, p. 310.]
Feeling of excessive dryness in the mouth, and yet the tongue was always moist. [Stf.]
Excessive dryness of the mouth that caused constriction in the throat. [Stf.)
His fauces and pharynx were constricted on account of the extreme dryness of the mouth ; there was not a trace of mucus there, and only moderate thirst, still he could swallow milk. [Stf.]
485. Dryness in the mouth, the fauces, and the nose. [BUCHAVE-LAMBERGEN, 1. c.]
He cannot swallow on account of dryness of mouth, fauces, and nose. [BUCHAVE, 1. c.]
Throwing up of blood, seemingly proceeding from the fauces.( This terminated fatally. Even after death the bodies of those poisoned by belladonna showed bleeding from nose, mouth, and ears ; they became, either only in the face or on one side f the body, or all over, blackish-violet, or covered with gangrenous. : spots ; the epidermis soon became detached, the abdomen swollen, and within twelve hours they became decomposed, as testifed to by EB. GMELIN and FABER.) [CULLEN, l.c.]
Flow of blood from mouth and nose.( When throwing up the berries from the operation of an emetic .)[WAGNER, 1 c. (11).]
Scraping scratching on the palate, occurring by itself. [Ws.]
490. On the palate all as if raw and sore, especially painful when touched with tongue and on chewing, as though denuded of skin (aft. 6 days, lasting several days). [Stf.]
Pains in the throat. [BALDINGER, 1. c ]
Fine tearing on the inner surface of the angle of the left side of the inferior maxilla, on the left tonsil and behind it, unaltered by touching ; violent tearing on swallowing (aft. 2 d.). [Hrr.]
Dryness in the fauces and burning on the tongue. [OLLENROTH, 1. c.]
Burning sensation in the fauces. [HENNING, 1. c.]
495.Though the mouth is sufficiently moist there is violent burning in the throat, which is not alleviated by drinking, but is transiently ameliorated by a little sugar. [Bhr.]
Long-continued burning pain in the fauces ; food and drink burn in the mouth like alcohol. [REMER,( Effects of full doses of powdered root in a cave of melancholia..) in Hufel. Jour., xvii, 2.]
Inflammation of throat and fauces. [RAU, in Acta Nat. Cur., vol. x, p. 90-GOCKEL, in Frankische Samml., iii, p. 44.( Poisoning of a child of five.) ]
Constant urging and need to swallow ; he felt as if he must choke if he did not swallow.
Sore throat ; stitches in the pharynx and pain as from internal swelling, only felt when swallowing and on turning the neck, as also when touching the side of it, but not when at rest or when talking.
500. The throat is swollen internally. [RAU, l. c.]
The throat is sore on swallowing and spitting out ; a sensation as from swelling, more on the felt side. [Kr.]
Pain in the throat and bellyache. [GREDING, 1, c., p. 652.]
Sore throat becoming worse every hour, heat, scratching, constriction and sore feeling. [Kr.]
Difficult and painful swallowing. [VICAT, 1. c.]
505. A violent shooting pain in the throat on swallowing and breathing. [ Stf. ]
Stitches in the throat on the left side, equally bad whether swallowing of not. [Htn.]
Inflammation of the tonsils, which after 4 days pass into suppuration, during which he cannot swallow a drop. [GREDING, 1. c., vol. ii, p. 321 ]
Difficult deglutition. (MAY;_ GREDING, 1. c., p. 694.]
Impeded swallowing.
510. Painless inability to swallow.
Impeded swallowing. (REMER, 1. C.-GREDING, 1. C., p. 648.]
Great constriction of the gullet. [CULLEN, 1, c.]
Transient but frequently recurring contraction of the oesophagus, more on swallowing than at other times, each time followed by a scratching pain in the region of the epiglottis as if there was something raw and sore there. [Ln.]
Sore throat ; when swallowing scraping in the palate and as if rubbed raw there.
515. Throat affection ; narrowing (contraction) of the gullet, whereby swallowing is impeded (aft. 3 h.).
Painful narrowing and contraction of the gullet ; on making the preparatory movements to swallow it feels tense and stretched although nothing is swallowed ;when actually swallowing it is not more painful ;even when quite the feeling of narrowness in the throat is painful (aft. 6o h.). [Ws.]
On swallowing a feeling in the throat as if all were too narrow there, as if contracted, as though nothing could get rightly down (aft. 2 h.). [Stf.]
She could not swallow solid food. [ SICELIUS, 1, c.]
He chews the food without being able to swallow it, because the throat appears to him to be contracted. [BALDINGER, 1. c.]
520. In her unconscious state she often pushes her finger deep down her throat, scratches her gums, and presses her neck with both hands. [BALDINGER, l. c.]
He swallows water with the greatest difficulty, and can only get down an extremely small quantity. [EL. CAMERARIUS. l. c.]
Horror of all fluids, so that she makes frightful faces at them.[ BALDINGER, l. c.]
Liquid poured out makes her furious. [BALDINGER. 1. c.]
Inability to swallow. [ DE LAUNAY D'HERMONT, l. c.- MANETTI, (Poisoning of a puppy by the juice of the berries.)Varidarium florentium, Florent., 1757.]
525. Paralytic weakness of the internal parts of the mouth [LOTTINGER,l, c.]
Something rose from the-abdomen and pressed in the throat, with retching, but without nausea and without vomiting. [Stf.]
Lost taste. [ LOTTINGER, l.c.]
Insipid taste in the mouth. [Hbg.]
Spoilt taste in the mouth. [GREDING, l. c., p. 657.]
530. Disgusting taste in the mouth, with clean tongue.
Corrupted taste of the saliva. [VICAT, 1. c.]
Putrid taste in the mouth, when she had eaten.
Putrid taste in the mouth as from putrid meat, two hours after eating (aft. 8 h.). [Mkl.]
Putrid taste comes up from the fauces, also when eating and drinking, although food and drink have their proper taste. [Ws.]
535. A sickly sweet taste in the mouth. [Hbg.]
Sticky taste in the mouth.
Salty sourish taste in the mouth. [Stf.]
Salt taste of the food, as if it were all salted (aft. 25 h.). [Stf.]
At the commencement of the meal proper taste of the food, but all at once everything tasted partly too salt, partly like nothing and insipid, with feeling in the throat (pit of the throat) as if the ingests would be thrown up again. [Stf.] .
540. Bread smells and tastes sour to him.
Bread tastes sour to him.
The bread tastes sour to her. [Hbg ]
Disgust at milk, which at other . times she generally drank and with relish ; it has a disgusting very repulsive smell and (sourishbitter) taste to her, which, however, goes off on continuing to drink. [Stf.]
In the evening the bread and butter, at least the last portion of it, tastes very sour, whereupon generally some heartburn ensued, which lasted two hours (for eight successive evenings) (aft. 4 d.).
545. (Bitter taste of bread and apples, in the evening.)
Coffee is repugnant to her. [Bhr.]
Disgust at camphor. [Bhr.]
Hunger, but no inclination for any kind of food. [Hbg ]
Repugnance to food. [GRIMM,-LOTTINGER, 1. c.]
550. Complete repugnance to all food and drink, with quick weak pulse. [GREDING, 1. C., p. 677 (16).]
Total loss of appetite.( In connection with S. 367.)[ LAMBERGEN, 1. c.]
Want of appetite, with headache. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 659.]
Diminished appetite ; animal food is especially repugnant. [Ws.]
Dislike to beer.
555. Dislike to acids.
Long-continued repugnance to food.
No appetite ; he loathes everything.
(He gets a longing for one thing or another ; but when he partakes of it he does not relish it.)
After smoking tobacco all appetite goes.
560. Anorexia, with empty feeling and hunger ; eat he relishes the food and eats as usual. [Hrr.]
Increased appetite (curative action.)
Appetite for water-soup and bread and butter, but for nothing else. [Kr.]
After eating but little, a peculiar contracting feeling in the stomach.[Mkl.]
After eating cough and great thirst. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 665.]
565. Immediately after a meal as if intoxicated (aft. 6/5 h,). [Lr.]
After eating violent pinching below the navel, close beneath the abdominal integuments (aft. 2/5 h.). [Htn]
After taking beer, internal heat. [Ws.]
No desire for drinks ; adipsia..
570. Desire for drinks without thirst : he hardly brought the cup to his mouth when he set it down again (aft. 8 h.). [Lr.]
Astonishing thirst in the evening with watery taste, but all drinks disgusted her. [Kr.]
Strong thirst for cold drinks, without heat (aft. 7 h.). [Lr.]
At noon, violent thirst (returning several days at the same time). [Kr.]
Eructation with the taste of the ingesta..
575. Bitter eructation after eating.
Frequent eructation from the stomach. [Ln.]
Eructation with loss of appetite. [GREDING, 1. c.. p. 679 (17).]
Eructation and vertigo. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 673 (15).]
Ineffectual desire to eructate.
580. Halt suppressed, incomplete eructation.
Putrid eructation. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 657.]
Burning, sour eructation, whereby also corrosive sour fluid came into the mouth with a kind of retching. Stf.]
Heartburn (when smoking tobacco) ; there long remains scratching burning smarting sensation at the entrance to the gullet, and chiefly at the upper border of the larynx (aft. 2 h.).
Flow of water into the mouth, in the evening, for half an hour. [Kr.]
585. Nausea and inclination to vomit in the throat (not in the pit of the stomach), sometimes with bitter eructation, in the evening, [Stf ]
After breakfast, squeamishness.
In the forenoon, frequent attacks of nausea (aft. 72 h.).
Inclination to vomit while walking in the open air.
Nausea in the stomach. [Hrr.]
590.Disgust with inclination to vomit, especially when he is about to eat. [ SICELIUS, 1. C.]
Frequent disgust and retching. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 645.]
Nausea, inclination to vomit, and such great thirst that she must drink enormous quantities of water. [BALDINGER, 1. c.]
Vomiting in the evening. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 650.]
Vomiting, vertigo, and flying heat. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 643.]
595. Vomiting and profuse sweat. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 675 (16).]
Excessive vomiting. [GOCKEL, 1. c.]
Vomiting of mucus about noon. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 672.]
Bilious, slimy vomiting. [DE MEZA, 1. c.]
Vomiting of undigested food partaken of twelve hours previously.[GRIMM, 1. c.]
600. Vomiting (aft. 6 h.), and immediately afterwards sleep for several hours. [EL. CAMERARIUS, 1. c ]
Inclination to vomit, ineffectual retching.[MAY, 1. c.]
He yawns and retches till he is blue in the face, whilst he stretches one hand over the head, but with the other strikes his abdomen irrepressibly. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 668.]
Ineffectual effort to vomit. [Hbg.]
He awakes thrice about midnight ; he heaves thrice as if to vomit but without result, with the sweat of anxiety.
605.Ineffectual effort to vomit, empty retching.
He cannot vomit, want of irritability of the stomach. [MAY, 1. c.]
Fourteen grains of tartar emetic do not make him vomit, he does not even feel sick after taking it. [BALDINGER, 1. c.]
Several times violent hiccup. [Ln.]
Violent hiccup that jerked her upwards, whereupon she became deaf until the next attack. [Kr.]
610. Violent hiccup about midnight. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 653.]
Something intermediate between eructation and hiccup.
Hiccupy eructation ; a spasm compounded of eructation and hiccup.
At night eructation, with profuse sweat. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 669 (14).]
After hiccup convulsions of the head and limbs, then nausea and weariness. [GREDING, I. c., p. 672 (14).]
615. Hiccup, with convulsion alternately of the right arm and left leg, followed by great thirst, with redness and heat of head. [GREDING, 1. c.p. 670 (14).]
Painless throbbing and beating in the pit of the stomach.
Violent pains in the region of the scrobiculus cordis. [WAGNER,1. C.(11) ]
Hard pressure in the stomach, especially after eating (aft. 24 h.).[Hrr.]
(At night periodical pain in the scrobiculus cordis, with trembling.)
620. When he has eaten he has stomachache.
An aching in the scrobiculus cordis, partly gnawing.
(Aching, shooting pain in the left side under the ribs.)
Fulness under the abort ribs ; on stooping the pit of the stomach feels full, and- there is blackness before the eyes (aft. 4 d.).
Violent stomachache after a meal, and also later after that time (aft. 5 h.). [Hrr.]
625.Painful aching in the pit of the stomach only when walking ; it forces him to walk slowly (aft. 48 h.). [ Ws.]
Under the sternum air seemed to have accumulated, which went off by rumbling in the belly, whereupon the nausea became always more intense. [Kr.]
Spasm in the stomach.( In a puppy, from juice forced into the stomach. The full symptom reads "profound convulsion of the stomach likes hiccup, lasting for half and hour.")[MANETTI, 1. c.]
Spasm in the stomach like cramp [EL. CAMERARIUS, 1. c.]
Long-lasting spasm in the stomach every time during dinner.
630. After a scanty meal a peculiar contractive feeling in the stomach.[Mkl.]
After lying down in bed in the evening, distended epigastrium, with tensive pain in the stomach.
Contractive pain in the scrobiculus cordis. [ Mkl. ]
Burning in the stomach.( Every time she took a dose. So also in S. 494.) [HENNING, 1. c.]
Stitches in the scrobiculus cordis. [Hbg.]
635. Stitches in the scrobiculus cordis.
Horrible, shooting cutting pain in the scrobiculus cordis which forces the body to bend backwards, and compels him to hold his breath.
Inflammation of the stomach.( Ascertained postmortem) [GOCKEL, 1, c.]
Inflammation of the upper part of the duodenum.( Ascertained postmortem )[GOCKEL, 1. c.]
Burning in the abdomen. [ALBRECHT, 1. c.]
640. Constant bellyache. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 644.]
Bellyache, constipation, diuresis, with eructation and inclination to Vomit. [GREDING, 1. C., p. 666.]
(After drinking milk, bellyache, some stitches.)
(Cutting in the belly, in the evening, some hours before going to sleep.)
Bellyache, spasmodic tension from the chest to low down in the hypogastrium, which does not permit the slightest movement (aft. 1/2 h.).
645. Bellyache and leucorrhoea. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 672 (14).]
In the evening pressure in the abdomen as from a stone, with pains in the loins. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 681 (18).]
Bellyache, as from a hard weight, only when walking and standing, always going off when sitting.
Quite low down in the hypogastrium pressure as from a heavy weight. (Taking the place of a pain in the hypochondrium, back, and loins, which he had before beginning the medicine.[GREDING, 1. C., Vol. ii. p. ii, p. 323.]
In the right groin, in the inguinal ring, on sitting stooping forwards, a sensation as if a hard body pressed out, but the part is not hard to the touch (aft. 6 d.). [Ws.]
650.On sitting bent forwards a sensation in the right groin as if a hard body pressed out. [Stf.]
In the hypogastrium, immediately below the navel, sensation as if the bowels were forcing outwards, most felt when standing (aft. 6 d.). [Ws.]
When pressing on the pit of the stomach he has an out-pressing pain in the side of the abdomen.
Inflation of the abdomen.' [GOCKEL, 1. c.]
Distended, but not hard nor painful abdomen.( After death. It is described as "extraordinary and preternatural:") [BOUCHER, 1. c.]
655.Distended, hard abdomen. [JUSTI, 1. c ]
Along with sensation of distension of the abdomen a constrictive bellyache below the navel, which comes by jerks, and compels him to bend himself forwards (aft. 4 h.).
Abdomen tense round about the ribs. [EL. CAMERARIUS, 1. c:]
A distension of the abdomen, with rumbling or rolling in the bowels on the left side. [Ln.]
A drawing-in of the abdomen, with pressive pain (when lying) [ Hbg. ]
660. Squeezing, constrictive pain in the bowels deep down in the hypogastrium, alternating with obtuse stitches or jerks towards the perinaeum (aft. 36 h.)
A constriction of the abdomen about the umbilical region, as if a knot or lump would be formed. [Ln.]
In the morning, immediately after getting out of bed, a violent tensive aching pain in the whole hypogastrium but especially in the pubic region ; it is as if the hypogastrium (rarely the epigastrium) were spasmodically constricted, sometimes as if it were distended (though not actually distended) ; pains that gradually increase and gradually decline (aft. 24 h.). [Gss.]
A contraction of the abdomen in the umbilical region. [Ln.]
Squeezing and gripping round about the navel, so that he must bend forwards. [Hbg.]
665. Contractive pain in the abdomen ; 'she must bend forwards on account of the pain.
Bellyache, as if a part in the abdomen were grasped with the nails. a gripping, clutching, clawing.
A squeezing together in the umbilical region, worse at noon and in the afternoon.
When walking, great clawing together in the right side of the belly, besides sharp shooting from there up through the right side of the chest and out at the axilla. ( Ws.]
An extremely painful clawing together in the umbilical region, coming from the sides and uniting in the navel. [Stf.]
690. Pinching bellyache, whereby he is compelled to sit with his body bent together, with ineffectual call to diarrhoea and subsequent vomiting.
Pinching in the bowels. [Hbg.]
Pinching in the side of the abdomen, the hepatic region, so that when he wished to rise up from his seat he could not do so on account of the pain. [Hbg.]
Pinching across the epigastrium and downwards as if in the colon.[Mkl. ]
Violent pinching deep in the abdomen, which is much aggravated by drawing in the belly and by bending the upper part of the body over to the left side (aft. 6. h.). [Htn.]
675. Great stitches in the inguinal glands.
Fine stitches in the left groin. [Mkl.]
Obtuse stitches in the right side of the abdomen at the last ribs.[Ws.]
Violent shooting as with a blunt knife between the right hip and the navel (aft. 12 h.). [ Gss.]
From the umbilical region round over the left hip to the lumbar vertebrae a shooting cut, as if in a single thrust, in which latter region it terminated, and where it was most painful (aft.3/4 h.). [Gss.]
680. Obtuse knife-thrusts on the left side below the navel. [Gss.]
An aching, shooting pain in the umbilical region (aft. 24 h).[Ln.]
Early in bed, in the left side of the abdomen on which he is lying quietly, an aching cutting which goes off as soon as he turns on the other side (aft. 11 d.).
Violent cutting pressure in the hypogastrium, sometimes here, sometimes there (aft 1 h.). [Hrr.]
Cutting in the whole of the hypogastrium, but mote violent in the left side. [Gss.]
685. Itching stitches at the navel, which go off by rubbing (aft, 1 h.). [ Ws.]
Anxious heat in the abdomen, in the chest, and in the face, with stuffed nose. [Ws.]
Heat from below upwards, so that the sweat of anxiety broke out, followed by nausea combined with frightful anxiety, until the nausea went always further down. [Kr.]
Painfulness of the whole abdomen, as if all were sore and raw, lasting long (aft. 1 h.). [Stf ]
Violent reiterated rumbling in the bowels. [Gss.]
690. Loud rumbling in the abdomen, with the feeling as if all there were mixed up together (aft. 1/4 h.). [Stf.]
A rumbling and pinching in the abdomen. [Ln.]
Very frequent discharge of flatus almost without smell. [Ln.]
Frequent discharge of inodorous flatus.
During a motion of the bowels, shivering.
695. During a motion of the bowels a shudder ran over the child.
On straining at stool feeling in the abdomen as if diarrhoea were coming on, with internal heat in the abdomen (aft. 1 h.). [Ws.]
Pappy stool mixed with mucus [Hbg ]
Heat of head, alternating with diarrhoea. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 672 (14).]
Diarrhoea, inclination to vomit, and stomachache. [GREDING,1. c., p. 672 (14).]
700. Curdled, yellow, somewhat mucous stool.
(Motions of a very sour smell.)
Stools as white as chalk(Not found) [WEINMANN, 1. c., p. 138.]
Green Stools.(During recovery from jaundice.) [GREDING, 1. c., Vol ii, p. 320.]
Green stools, with diuresis and yet sweat at the same time.(During recovery from jaundice.) [GREDING 1. C., VOl. ii, p. 319.]
705. Several watery stools immediately after profuse sweat. [Justi.1.c.]
At first soft diarrhoeic stool, but afterwards frequent urging to stool, whereby very little or nothing at all comes away. [Ws.]
Uncommonly diminished stool, only small evacuations occur for several days. [Hbg.]
Urging to stool, which comes away thinner than usual, but in sufficient quantity. [Hrr.]
Frequent thin stools, with tenesmus ; he felt a frequent desire to go, he must go to stool every quarter of an hour (aft. 48 h.).
710. He has a constant desire to go to stool.
Straining at stool ; a scanty diarrhoeic motion comes away, and is immediately followed by very much increased straining (aft. 3 h.).[Stf.]
Frequent urging to stool, without any, or with only a very scanty and hard motion. [Hrr.]
Tenesmus and bellyache. (FABER,( General account of effects of B.) Strychnomania. p. 13, obs. 5.]
Ineffectual urging to stool.
715. After ineffectual urging to stool, vomiting.
A kind of tenesmus, a constant pressure and forcing towards the anus and genitals, alternating with painful contraction of the anus (aft. 12 h.).
Pressure in the rectum towards the anus. [Mkl.]
Constipation. [FR. HOFFMANN,(Statement of effects of soporifics in general( including opium )) Medicina ration., p. 273.]
After a confined motion distension of the abdomen and heat of head. [GREDING, 1. c., p,673(14).]
720.He cannot strain at stool .[Fr. H _ n.].
Contractive pain in the rectum, then sore pain in the epigastrium, followed by rapid discharge of slimy diarrhoea, at last empty. straining.
Severe itching, and at the same time constrictive sensation in the anus. [Gss.]
Itching in the lower part of the rectum.
Violent, sudden, painful itching in rectum, and anus.
725. Itching externally at the anus (while walking in the open air).
A pleasant tickling in the lower part of the rectum.
Single, rapid, great stitches in the rectum (when moving) (aft. 3 h.).
Haemorrhoidal bleeding for several days.
Involuntary discharge of the stool, temporary paralysis of the sphincter ant. [DUMOULIN, 1. c.]
730. Involuntary discharge of the excrements. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 690 (22)]
Small, rapid, involuntary stools.
Suppressed evacuation of stool and urine for ten hours.
Suppressed evacuation of stool and urine ,With extraordinary perspiration. [SALDINGER, 1. c.]
Difficult micturition.
735. Suppressed urine(We can say nothing about Sicelius , but de Launay d ,Hermonts symptom is difficult only micturition.")[DE LAUNAY D,HERMONT, I. C.-SICELIUS, 1.c.]
Retention of the urine, which only passes by drops. [LOTTINGER, 1 .c.]
Frequent call to pass urine, [GREDING, 1. c., p. 658.]
Frequent call to urinate, but the urine passed in strikingly small quantity, though of natural colour. [Gss.]
Frequent urging to urinate, with scanty discharge of urine (aft 1h.) [Lr.]
740. Incessant urging to urinate. [BUCAVE, 1, c.]
Yellow, turbid urine. [ACKERMANN, 1, c.]
Clear, lemon-coloured urine. ( JUSTI, 1. c.]
Golden-yellow urine. [Hbg.]
Bright yellow, clear urine (aft. 4 h.).
745. (Whitish urine.)
Urine with white, thick sediment (aft. 12 h.)
Urine turbid, like yeast, with reddish sediment.
Frequent micturition. [Hbg.]
Frequent micturition of copious urine. [SAUTER, 1. c. (11).]
750. Flow of urine [enuresis( This is what we now call "diuresis) ][SAUTER (11), 1. c,-GREDING, 1. c., pp, 644. 648, 650, 652, 675, 686 ]
Frequent micturition of copious, pale, thin watery urine. [GRIMM, I. c.]
Discharge of a quantity of watery urine, with perspiration. [BAYLIES, Praet. Essays on Med. Subjects, p. 37.]
Along with discharge of a large quantity of urine, and with increased appetite, he is quite cold to the touch. [GREDING, 1, c., p, 694 (23).]
At night diuresis, with profuse sweat. [GREDING, 1, c., p. 689 (22),]
755. Along with constant diuresis profuse night sweat. [GREDING, 1. c .,p 689 (21).]
Diuresis, thirst, and obscuration of vision in the morning. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 970 (14).]
Diuresis, with perspiration, good appetite and diarrhoea. [GREDING, 1. c.. p. 667.]
Diuresis, with profuse sweat. (GREDING, 1. c., p. 684 (19 ) .]
Diuresis, diarrhoea, and appetite. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 661.]
760. Urine more copious than the drink taken would warrant. HORST, 1. c.]
Diuresis on the occurrence of the catamenia. [EVERS, in Schmucker's Vermischten Schr., i, p. 185.( From a case of serous apoplexy, in which B. was given.)]
Involuntary discharge of urine. [BOUCHER, 1. c.]
Involuntary discharge of urine, temporary paralysis of the neck of the bladder.( See S. 729 )[DUMOULIN, 1. c.]
During profound sleep (by day) his urine escaped.
765. He cannot retain his urine.
Sensation of winding and turning in the bladder, as from a large worm, without urging to pass water.
In the night obtuse pressure in the vesical region.
Immediately after making water a smarting sensation on the outer border of the prepuce.
In the anterior part of the glans penis an itching tickling like the bite of a flea. [Hbg.]
770. Before falling asleep in the evening in bed tearing upwards left spermatic cord several times repeated. [Mkl.]
The prepuce is retracted behind the plans, whence he has a disagreeable sensation in the exposed glans (aft. 4 h.). [Mkl.]
A long stitch along the urethra, which commenced at the bulbous portion of the urethra, and extended to its orifice, whilst walking (aft. 3 h. ), ( Htn. ]
A violent forcing and straining towards the genitals, as if all would fall out there ; worse when sitting bent foward and when walking, better when standing and sitting upright (aft. 10 h.). [Stf.]
When not passing water obtuse stitches in the urethra, behind the plans, especially when moving.
775. Whilst passing water drawing in the spermatic cord.
Discharge of prostatic fluid from flaccid penis.
On the glans penis a soft painless pimple.
Sweat on the genitals at night.
Great stitches in the drawn-up testicles (aft. 12, 18, 30 h.).
780. Nocturnal emission of semen, with flaccid penis.
Two seminal emissions in one night.
At every step violent stitches in the pubic .region, as if in the internal genital organs (aft. 10 h.). [Stf.]
Nocturnal seminal emission without lascivious dreams (the first night). [Lr,]
Indifferent at the thought of the difference of the sexes ; he cannot summon up any lascivious, lustful thoughts ; the sexual desire in the imagination is as if extinct.
785. The most voluptuous pictures and stories excite neither his imagination nor his genital organs ; he remains indifferent to them (aft. 20 h.).
Before the catamenia weariness, bellyache, want of appetite, and dimness of vision. [GREDING, I. c., p. 679 (17).]
During the catamenia perspiration on the chest, yawning, and rigor running over the back. [GREDING. I. c., p. 671 (14).]
During the catamenia cardiac anxiety. [GREDING, 1. c,]
During the catamenia great thirst. [GREDING, 1, c., p. 672 (14).]
790.During the catamenia a cramp-like tearing, sometimes here and there in the back, sometimes in the arms.
Appearance of the catamenia.
Catamenia four days too soon.
Increased menses. (Curative effect )[LAMBERGEN, 1. c.]
Increase and delay of the menses to the thirty-second, thirty-sixth, and forty-eighth day. [GREDING, in several places.]
795. (In the morning a pressing as if all would be forced out at the genitals (with distension of the abdomen) ; after the pressing the abdomen contracted and white mucus escaped from the vagina.)
Ill-smelling metrorrhagia. [EVERS, (Not found). in the Berliner Samml., iv.]
Leucorrhoea and colic. [GREDING, 1, c., p. 672 (14).]
Repeated sneezing. [Ln.]
The nose is sometimes stuffed, sometimes water flows from it.[Bhr.]
800. Catarrh, or cough with coryza.
Fluent coryza only in one side of the nose and out of one nostril.
Coryza, with stinking odour' in the nose , as of herring-pickle, especially on blowing the nose. [Kr.]
Hoarseness. [VICAT, 1. C.]
Rough, hoarse voice.
805. Noise and rattling in the bronchial tubes. [RAU, 1. C.]
Every inspiration excites irritation to (dry) tussiculation.
For several successive days, about noon, violent cough, with discharge of much viscid saliva. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 691 (22).]
Fit of coughing, followed by heat. [Kr.]
Nocturnal cough, which often wakes her out of sleep, after which she immediately falls asleep again. [Kr.]
810. Fit of coughing, as from inspiring dust, wakes her up at night, with expectoration of mucus. [Hbg.]
(In the forenoon) severe dry cough, as if some foreign substance had fallen into the trachea, with coryza (aft. 3 h.). [Lr.]
In the evening, after lying down in bed, an itching tickle in the back part of the larynx, exciting to irresistible, dry, short cough.
It is as if something lay in the scrobiculus cordis, which always excites coughing.
He has a tightness in the chest like dry catarrh, excising him to dry cough.
815. Oppression in the chest (in the upper part of the trachea); he expectorates something like old catarrhal mucus, of purulent appearance (in the morning in bed and after getting up) (aft. 16 h.).
Cough commences in the evening (about 10 o'clock), and comes every quarter of an hour and oftener, of three or four impulses.
Cough with taste of blood in the mouth:
In the morning on coughing expectoration of bloody mucus.
(Cough hollow and scraping.)
820. Violent cough during sleep, with grinding of the teeth (aft. 10. h.).
Cough with needle-pricks in the side under the left ribs (aft,6h.).[Lr.]
When coughing a violent aching pain in the nape as if it would break (aft. 3 1/2 h.). [Htn.]
Dry tussiculation whereby the throat is scraped. [Stf.]
Oppression of the chest. (SCHMUCKER, (Observation on a patient.-In original. "viel Angst and Beklemmung )Chirurg. Wahrnehm., ii.]
825. Difficult breathing. [RAU, 1. c.]
(When coughing the child strains much, and is peevish.)
(Before every fit of coughing the child became quiet, and just before the cough came it cried.)
(The attacks of coughing ended in sneezing.)
(When coughing the stomach turns over as about to vomit, even when it is empty.)
830. Very difficult respiration. (No such symptom found in d'Hermont's narrative. He expressly say "larespiration etoit libre.') [DE LAUNAY D'HERMONT, 1. C.]
Violent, small, frequent, anxious respirations (aft. 18 h.), (GRIMM, 1. c.]
A pressure in the cardiac region, which stops the breath and causes anxiety.
Pressure on the chest (it affected the heart).
She felt at the heart (the scrobiculus cordis) like cardiac oppression ; she could not breathe properly; at the same time nausea, which rises up to the throat, as if she must vomit. and so cardiac oppression and nausea in fits about every seven minutes (aft1/4 h.). [Stf.]
835. After drinking (coffee) short breathing (in the afternoon) (aft. 3 d.). [Hbg.]
Whilst walking frequently an oppression in the scrobiculus cordis. a kind of spasmodic feeling, that complex him to breathe deeper (aft. 1 h.). [Htn.]
Over the chest violent oppression as if it was forced inwards from both sides (aft. 5 h.), [Htn.]
Tightness of chest. [VICAT, 1. c.]
In the evening in bed a very oppressed feeling in the chest, which is not removed by voluntary coughing ; he could only draw his breath wit h difficulty, just as if the phlegm in the wind-pipe hindered him ; at the same time a burning in the chest (aft. 60 h.).
840. Sometimes he breathed, sometimes he seemed to have fetched his last breath, in four recurring attacks during a quarter of an hour. [EL. CAMERARIUS, I. C.]
Burning in the right side of the chest. [Mbg.]
Heat rises suddenly from the abdomen into the chest and goes off very rapidly (aft. ./5 h.). [Ws.]
Stitches in the sternum when coughing and when yawning.
Whilst walking fine stitches under the clavicle from before backwards (aft. 4 d.). [Ws.]
845. Fine stitches in the left aide of the chest from the sternum to the axilla, aggravated by movement, without reference to breathing. [Ws.]
Fine shooting pain in the chest. [GREDING, 1, c., pp. 661, 681.]
On the right side of the chest a deeply penetrating and enduring stitch, without reference to breathing (aft. 72 h.). [Ws]
Stitches in the side of the chest under the right arm, which impede respiration, in the evening.
In the right side, stitches here and there under the skin, to a certain extent externally.
850. Stitches in one of the breasts (aft. 3 h.).
Painful stitches on the left side of the chest, without relation to breathing. [Ws.]
Stabs of short duration, as from a blunt knife under both last ribs, near the ensiform cartilage, and above the false ribs (aft. 8 m,), [Gss.]
Shooting pinching pain in the chest on both - Aides of the upper part of the sternum. [ Ws. ]
Intermitting aching cutting on the right side of the chest, without reference to inspiration or expiration (aft1/2 h.). [Ws.]
855. Continued aching shooting in the left costal cartilages, becoming still more violent and passing into an almost burning sensation on expiration (aft. 3 h.). [Htn.]
Sharp pressure from within outwards in the region of the sixth true rib (aft. 1/4 h.). [ Ws. ]
A sharp pressive pain in the sternum, immediately above the ensiform cartilage. [Gss.]
An aching pain under the right nipple. [Gss.]
Aching pain in the chest and between the shoulders.
860. Aching pain in the chest with short breath, at the same time between the shoulders, when walking and sitting. [Hbg.]
Aching squeezing pain in the left and right breast. [Hbg.]
A throbbing pain under the sternum above the scrobiculus cordis. [Gss.]
Aching in the right side of the chest, which causes anxiety.
Great restlessness and throbbing in the chest.
865. (When at rest, palpitation of the heart, as if the shock went up to the throat, worse on moving, with difficult slow breath.)
When she goes upstairs the heart clucks, a kind of palpitation. [Stf.]
A corroding gnawing pain under the last right cartilages of the ribs (aft. 2 h.). [Gss.]
Painful blisters containing water on the sternum.( Probably the effect of long-continued wet dressings on the mamma )[LAMBERGFN, 1. c.]
The chest and thighs covered with very small dark-red irregular spots. [GREDING. 1. C., p. 685 (19).]
870. In an unimpregnated woman, milk comes. into the breasts and flows out ; on the left breast there appeared small, scattered pimples, which cause creeping itching, which is relieved by rubbing.
The ischia are painful ; she feels as if she had no flesh there, but she is better when sitting on a hard than on a soft seat. [Kr.]
A dark (mist-like), painful drawing in the whole extent of the pelvis, but this pain wanders alternately from the sacrum to the os pubis. [Gss. ]
Spasmodic sensation in the left lumbar region. [Hbg,]
Extremely painful cramp-pain in the sacrum and coccyx; he can only sit for a short time, becomes quite stiff from sitting and on account of the pain cannot rise up again ; he cannot even lie comfortably, it often wakes him up at night, and then he turns on the other side with violent pains ; he cannot lie at all on the back ; he gets most relief from standing and walking about slowly, but he cannot walk quickly (for 8 days). [Ws.]
875. When he rises up after sitting, he gets a pain at the border of the ilium over the hips, as if a sharp body was cutting its way outwards. [Ws.]
Rheumatic pain in the back. [GREDING, 1, c., p. 674 (15).]
At the left side of the spinal column, below the false ribs, aching pain. [ Hbg. ]
Gnawing in the spinal column and cough.
Shooting and gnawing pain in the spinal column.
880. In the vertebrae, stabbing from without inwards as with a knife. [ Hr. ]
In the right side of the back and spinal column, pain as if dislocated.
Cramp-like aching sensation in the middle of the spinal column, which becomes tensive when he tries to straighten his back (aft. 1/2 h.). [Htn.]
The back, especially the scapulae, is covered with large red pimples ; the whole skin looks red, and pains, when touched, as if excoriated, but in the apices of the pimples the pain is fine shooting (aft 10 d.). [Ws.]
Pain in the head extending into the scapulae. (GREDING, 1. c., p. 656.]
885. Boil on the shoulder.
Aching pain under the left shoulder-blade, more towards the outer side. [Gss.]
Drawing pressure between the right scapula and the spinal column. [Hrr.]
Pain between the scapula as from a sprain.
Violent drawing between the scapulae down the spinal column, in the evening.
890. Cramp-pain, almost like pinching, between the right scapula and the spinal column. [Ws.]
(A tickling itching on the left scapula.) [Ln.]
Itching shooting on the right scapula, causing her to scratch. [Ws.]
Shooting itching on the scapulae, that goes off on scratching.[Ws.]
Fine stitches on the right scapula. [ Ws.]
895. Repeated shoots as from electricity, from the left scapula towards the tight (aft. 1 h.). [Mkl.]
Shooting aching on the top of the left shoulder (aft. 3 h.). [Htn.]
Painful stiffness between the scapulae and in the nape on turning the neck and head hither and thither, in the morning (art. 16 h.).
Externally on the neck aching pain, on bending the head beck and on touching the place.
Glandular swellings on the nape with cloudiness of head (aft. 6 h.).
900. Pimples break out on the nape and arm, rapidly fill with pus, and become covered with a scab.
Painful swelling of the left axillary gland (aft. 5.).
Swelling of the affected arm and foot. [MUNCH, in Richter a Bibliothek. v, p. 558.]
A stretching and wrenching of the upper extremities. [Ln.]
Rheumatic pains of the arm combined with formication, followed next day by spasm of the arm. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 671 (14).]
905. Arm as if numb and painful. [SAUTER, 1. c. (11).]
Swelling of the arm. [MUNCH, 1. c.]
Great feeling of exhaustion in the arms, still more in the hands, as if she must allow them to hang. [Stf.]
Heaviness in both arms.
Heaviness of the left arm. (Relieved by venesection) [GREDING, I. c., p. 694 (23).]
910. Paralysis of the right arm.( See note to S. 175 )[GREDING, 1. c., p. 662.]
A heaviness and paralysis of the upper extremities, most of the left arm. [Ln.]
Weakness, like paralysis, first in the right upper arm, afterwards also in the forearm (aft. 5 h.). [Mkl.]
Paralytic aching in the left upper arm, with paralytic feeling and weakness in the whole of the left arm. [Hrr.]
Paralytic drawing aching, with weakness in the right upper and forearm (aft. 4 d.). [Err.]
915. Paralytic tearing aching on the anterior surface of the left upper arm (aft 5 d.). [Hrr.]
Cramp of the right arm, with grinding of the teeth. [GREDING1. c., p. 687 (20).]
(Painful) twitching in the arms, more in the right than the left. [Stf.]
He raises the tight arm involuntarily and without knowing it above the head. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 692 (22).]
A downward-drawing in the muscles of the right upper arm, and when it got down it then twitched several times back in the region of the right elbow-joint upwards towards the shoulders, and then it ceased for a time.
920. Convulsive shock of the arms as from the most violent shivering.
Spasmodic shocks of the arms. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 644.]
Continual inward-twisting (intorsio) of the arms and hands (The original is pimply "contorsions continuelles'') [BOUCHER, 1. c.]
She occasionally stretched out her arms and hands, as if she would clutch something. [BOUCHER. 1. c.]
A violent outward-stabbing pain, as with a blunt knife, under the head of the humerus. [Gss.]
925. (n the right arm on which she had not lain (about 3 a.m.) a stiffness (she could not bend it), with:-a feeling as if it were shorter than the other, and tearing pain in it). [Stf.]
Drawing pain in the inside of the left upper arm.. [Hbg.]
Tearing pain in the humerus. [Hbg.]
Bruised pain in the upper arms (aft. 6 h.). [Ws.]
Tearing pain in the humerus.
930. A slow running upwards on the left arm, as when a fly creeps on the skin, frequent rubbing does no good.
A pimple on the left arm, below the elbow-joint, dark fed, without sensation or suppuration, paining
like a sore on being touched (aft. 9 d.). [Hrr.]
Below the right elbow a pimple, touching it causes shooting pain. [Ws]
(The elbow pains on being moved and touched, as if burnt.)
A rumbling in the left arm in the bend of the elbow, as if water or a heavy fluid coursed through the blood-vessels. [ Hbg.]
935. Cutting pain in the left elbow-joint internally, when walking. [Ws. ]
Sharp stitches externally on the left elbow-joint (aft. 72 h,). [Ws.]
Paralytic drawing pain to the elbow.
Paralytic drawing pain in the elbow and fingers of the left hand.[Hbg.]
Fine stitches on the left forearm (aft. 24 h.). [Ws.]
940. Obtuse shooting in the middle of the internal portion of the forearm which becomes gradually worse, and at length very violent. [ Gss. ]
Cutting tearing in the lower muscles of the right forearm (when at rest) (aft. 5.5 h.). [Htn.]
Cutting tearing in the lower muscles of the left forearm (aft. 3/4h.).
Paralytic tearing in the bones of the wrist. [Hrr.]
Shooting tearing in the metacarpal bones of the left hand. [Htn.]
945. Tearing ache in the metacarpal bones and the distal joint of the left index. [Hrr.]
Frequent cold perspiration of the hands.
The backs of both hands are covered with small, red spots, which rapidly disappear. [ Ws. ]
Swelling of the hands. [WIENHOLT, I, c., p. 310.]
Great swelling of the hand. [MUNCH, I. c., p. 390.]
950. Feeling of stiffness on the right hand and fingers ; she could not bend them. [Stf.]
He cannot turn the hand freely on its axis (e. g, when dropping a fluid out of a phials, he can only do it by jerks, just as if there was a deficiency of synovia in the wrist-joint ; but this impeded movement is Painless (aft. 4 h.).
Painful drawing in the proximal phalanges of the left middle finger, as if in the periosteum [Hrr.]
Paralytic tearing in the middle-joint of the right index, [Hrr.]
The distal joint of the middle finger feels stiff, and on bending it has simple (sore ?) pain.
955. Tearing cutting in the muscles of the right little finger. [Htn.]
Sharp stitches in the metacarpal bone of the thumb (aft. 1 h.). [Ws.]
The points of the fingers of the left hand pain as if pinched. [Hbg.]
Along with chilliness of the body stitches out at the finger-points, chiefly when grasping.
In the point of the middle finger, feeling as if something were stuck in and had caused ulceration, worst when touched. [ Ws.]
960. On the finger a blister with painful inflammation. [LAMBERGEN, 1. c. ]
A pustule breaking out close to the nail of the right index exuded much fluid. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 673 (15).]
The fingers are easily dislocated.
On the inside of the thigh, sore pain.
Pain of the thighs and legs as if generally bruised, and as if brittle, towards the shafts of the bones fine shooting and gnawing, besides severe tearing in the joints ; the pain mounts gradually from the ankles to the hips, when seated compelling the feet to be constantly moved and shifted ; relieved by walking (aft. 4 h.). [Ws.]
965. In the legs sometimes weariness, with drawing pain in them.
A kind of stretching ; he is compelled to stretch out the legs (aft. 11 d.).
When walking, weight in the thighs and legs, along with stiffness of the knee-joints (aft. 12 h.). [Ws.]
Increased("Increased;" i. e. only an aggravation of a symptom she had before beginning the medicine) weight of the thighs and legs (and discharge of yellow nasal mucus with increased thirst). [GREDING, 1. c., Vol ii, p. 321.]
Paralytic drawing in the right thigh and leg. [Hrr.]
970. Paralysis of the lower extremities, she must lie down, with nausea, trembling, anxiety and vertigo. [BALDINGER, 1. c.]
Temporary paralysis of the lower extremities.( See SS. 729, 763. )[DUMOULIN, 1. c.]
Cramp-pain in the gluteal muscles with tension, on bending the body. [ Ws. ]
On the right hip three or four violent stitches when at rest and when moving. [Stf]
On the right hip-joint cold feeling (rapidly passing off) (aft. 1 h). [Ws.]
975. Pain in the left hip with limping. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 687 (20).]
When she lies on the right hip she has pain in the left, but if she lies on the left the pain goes off (aft. 8, 9 d.).
On walking a paralytic tension in the hip-joints as if they were dislocated. [ Ws.]
Cutting, jerking tearing in the posterior muscles of the left thigh when sitting (aft. 3/4h.). [Htn.]
Cutting shooting in the external muscles of the right thigh, just above the knee, only when sitting (aft. 2.1/4 h.). [Htn.]
980. In the thighs extreme heaviness and stiffness when walking. [Kr.]
Heaviness in the thighs even when sitting. [Hbg.]
A pain drawing outwards towards.the skin at a small spot on the inner surface of the left thigh (aft. 1 h.) [Gss.]
Hard pressure in the middle of the anterior surface of the right thigh. [Hrr.]
A knife-stab in the middle of the thigh mote towards the posterior side (immediately after a meal). [Gss.]
985. A fluctuating throbbing pain on the upper and inner part of the left thigh (aft. 29 h.). [Gss.]
Tingling buzzing sensation above the right knee when sitting (aft.1/4 h.).[Htn.]
Cramp-like pain in the right knee, near the patella, towards the outer side, when sitting. [Htn.]
Violent pains in the knee. [Stf.]
On moving, the outer hamstring of the left knee feels tight and as if too short, alternating with a similar feeling in the inner hamstring, but it is always worst in the outer. [Mkl.]
990. In the right popliteal region pinching and aching pain. [Hbg.]
Obtuse stitches in the left popliteal region (aft. 1\4 h.). [Gss.]
A twitching in the right popliteal region (aft. 4 h.). [Ln.]
Trembling of the knees. [MULLER, 1, c.]
A disagreeable feeling in the joints of the lower extremities. especially the knees, as if they would bend beneath him, especially when walking and chiefly when descending.
995. A twitching in the popliteal region upwards into the muscles of the thigh.
A clucking in the foot as if drops fell in it (aft. 54 h.).
Very rapid clucking in front of the left knee, when sitting (immediately). [Ws.]
Needle pricks under the left patella, when sitting. [Gss.]
Aching shooting in the right petella, when sitting (aft. 3.5 h.). [Htn.]
1000. When treading with the left foot painful stitches shoot up to the knee (aft. 38 h.). [Ws.]
Cutting drawing on a small spot on the feet, that spread from below upwards, first through the legs and thighs, then through the sacrum up to the shoulders. [Kr.]
Paralytic weariness in both legs. [Mkl.]
On going upstairs weariness of the legs, especially of the calves.[Stf.]
In the legs a drawing-up sensation, externally only crawling. internally innumerable stitches. [Ws.]
1005. In the leg pain as if it were squeezed and a commotion (dull tearing) and working in it, especially at night, relieved by hanging down the leg freely (aft. 10 h.).
A burning tearing up the legs through the inner surface of the popliteal region.
Trembling heaviness of the legs.
Dull tearing in the legs. [Hbg.]
The foot was so painful that she had to keep the limb horizontally extended and immovable.( In connection with S 1044).[LAMBERGEN, 1. c.]
1010. Painful feeling of weight of the right leg on crossing it over the left leg (4 hours). [ Htn.]
A drawing heaviness of the legs.
Tearing pain in the tibia.
Feeling in the right leg like growing pain, a stiff feeling combined with heaviness. [Htn.]
Drawing tearing pain in the right tibia with an out-pressing sensation in it (aft. 4 h.). [Htn,]
1015. Sharp shoots in the left calf which come from below upwards.[ Ws. ]
Cramp in the calf on bending the leg, in the evening in bed, which goes off on stretching out the leg (aft. 72 h.).
Tearing pressure in the middle of the inside of the leg, without reference to movement or touching. [Hrr.]
On the left tibia in front an aching when standing. [Hbg.]
Sweat on the feet without warmth when sitting. [Hbg.]
1020. Eroding itching on the feet and dorsum of the feet. [Hrr.]
Obtuse stitches on the dorsum of the left foot, when sitting, not affected by external pressure. [ Ws.]
On walking in the open air tension in the right ankle-joint.
On walking and bending the foot pain in the metatarsal bones as if sprained.
Tearing pain in the metatarsal bone of the big toe.
1025. Cramp in the sole of the foot, in the evening, in bed, on drawing up the knees.
Burning and digging in the soles of the feet. [Kr.]
Violent itching of the feet.
Creeping upwards in the feet (aft. 20 h.).
Swelling of the feet.
1030. Heat especially in the feet.
In the soles of the feet boring, digging pain (aft. several h.).
Shooting pain in the soles of the feet (aft. 1/2 h.).
Bruised pain in the ball of the heel when treading,
A kind of painless drawing or running from the heel to the toes, round about the ankle (aft. 30 h.).
1035. Bring or tearing stitches in the tendo Achillis.
(When walking) tearing in the sole of the left foot, mingled with stitches, for a quarter of an hour. [Mkl.]
Tension on the sole of the right foot about the heel, which then changed into tensive pressure ; on pressing on it the pain goes off for some time (aft.1/4 h.). [Hrr.]
Complaint about very painful cramp in the left arm and in the back, which in the evening extends as far as the thighs. [GREDING, 1. c., P. 652.]
In the evening she wished to stretch herself, but could not do it for pains. [Kr.]
1040. Usually when the pain had reached its climax it disappeared suddenly, and in an instant there occurred instead a pain at another part. [Gss.]
Painful sensitiveness of the skin at the least touch. [Kr.]
Crawling itching all over the body, flying about, now here, now there. [Ws.]
Red scaly eruption on the lower parts of the body, extending to the abdomen. [ZIEGLER. 1. c.]
On the planter surface of the foot, and on the shin bone, blisters filled with water, that readily burst. [LAMBERGEN, 1. c.]
1045. When walking, at every second or third step, a stitch in the affected part extending into the head, just as when one pricks oneself unexpectedly ; not when sitting.
(The parts where the shooting pain had been are very painful to external touch.)
Boring pain in the glands.
Gnawing pain in the affected part (aft. 1 h.).
The external application of belladonna makes the part sensitive to the open air.
1050. Cold, painful, long-continued lumps and swellings (apparently secondary action).
Tearing itching here and there, especially after lying down in bed in the evening ; after rubbing the tearing pain alone remains, but more severe.
Ulcer is painful almost only in the night (from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m.) burning, as if something would press out, and the part were as if paralyzed and stiff (aft. 48 h.).
(Ulcer covered with a black crust like coagulated blood.)
Ulcer exudes almost nothing but bloody ichor.
1055. Ulcer is painful on being touched, almost burning pain (aft. 4 h.).
In the ulcer violent itching (aft. 1 h.).
In the ulcer cutting pain when at rest, and tearing pain on moving the part (aft. 20 h.).
Round about the ulcer sore pain (aft. 4 h.).
(Soreness in the bends of the joints.)
1060. Suddenly attacking, horrible crampy pain on one side of the chest, one side of the abdomen. in one loin or in one elbow especially during sleep, whereby he is forced to bend the painful Part inwards and to crouch together (aft. 8, 16, 30 h.).
(A drawing pain in the feet going upwards to the scapula, and thence into the fingers, lastly into the teeth, which thereby are set on edge and become loose.)
(Drawing pain in all the limbs.)
In the evening in bed itching stitches here and there in the skin, as if from fleas.
In the afternoon especially (about 3 or 4 o'clock), all the ailments are worse; in the forenoon they are mote tolerable.
1065. Violent spasmodic laughter.
Slight convulsive movements of the limbs. [DUMOULIN, 1. c.]
Convulsive movement of the limbs. (RAU, 1, c . -GREDING, 1. c., p, 671.]
Subsultus tendium. [ELFES. I. c.]
Twitching in the limbs. [ZIEGLER, 1. c.]
1070. After a slight vexation the most violent spasms, which urged hits to run against the walls. [Stf.]
Convulsions of the limbs with hiccup. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 671 (14).]
During starlings of the limbs, weariness and anxiety.( This would be better stated-"After heat and redness of the face, with greatthirst, she had lassitude, anxiety, and slight starlings of the limbs)[GREDING, 1. c., p. 672 (14).]
Convulsions. [EB. GMELIN, Pflanzengifte, 1. c.]
Convulsive momentary stretching out of the limbs on awaking.
1075. Repeated convulsions and cruel spasms, especially in the flexor muscles. [GRIMM, 1, c.]
Severe jerks and very loud raving. [BALDINGER, 1. c.]
Epileptic convulsions. [WAGNER, 1. c., (1).]
Horrible convulsions resembling epilepsy. [GRIMM, 1. c.]
Convulsions, distortions of all muscles. [DE ST. MARTIN, 1. c.]
1080. Convulsions of all the limbs. [MUNCH, I. c.]
In the intervals, when free from convulsions, he utters the loudest cries, as if he suffered great pains. [GRIMM, 1. c.]
Head and trunk drawn quite back to the left side, so that he could not walk.( See note to S. 175) [GREDING, 1, c., p. 662.]
Insensible, with rattling breathing and twitching in face and hands.[BALDINGER, I .C.]
At one time amazing, distortion of the limbs, at another complete immobility. [EL. CAMERARIUS, I. C.]
1085. Loss of all sensation ; stiffness of the lower extremities ; excessive distention of all the blood-vessels of the skin, with uncommonly red, swollen face, extremely full and rapid pulse and profuse sweat. [BALDINGER, I. C.]
Frequent stiffness and immobility of the limbs ;for example, he could not move the left foot. [Stf.]
Stiffness of all the limbs under the guise of a feeling of weariness.
Stiffness of the whole body.( Poisoning Of a boy of seven) [EHRHARDT, Pflanzenhistorie, x- p 126. ]
Spasmodic stretching of the limbs with distortion of the eyes. [GREDING, 1. C., p. 664. ]
1090. In the morning weary and restless in the limbs on account of pains, she wanted always to change the position of her limbs. [Kr.]
Great restlessness in all the limbs so that he could not remain still.
Unsteadiness of head and hands.
Bodily restlessness ; he was compelled to move the whole body hither and thither, especially the hands and feet ; he cannot remain long in any position, sometimes he lies, sometimes sits, sometimes stands, and he always changes his position in one way or another [Hrr. ]
Trembling with convulsive shock.
1095. Trembling in all the limbs, inability to walk, distended vessels all over the body, and disagreeable irritating sensation in the throat, for several days. [BALDINGER, 1. c.]
Trembling at the heart, in the forenoon.
Trembling and weariness of the limbs. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 644.]
Weariness of the limbs. [SICELIUS. l. c.]
In the evening so tired, he can scarcely walk (aft. 50 h.).
1100. Lassitude in all the limbs and disinclination for work. [Gss.]
Disinclination and horror of work, of movement (aft. 1, 5 h.).
Heaviness of the hands and feet. [Bhr.]
Weakness of the body. [ WIERUS, 1, c. ]
Sinking of the strength. [WAGNER, 1. c. (1).]
1105. Great weakness. [CARL, Acta. Nat. Cur., iv, obs. 86. (Symptoms produced by a decoction of the root in a sufferer from rheumatic gout)]
Weariness all day through, and sleep in the afternoon. [Hbg.]
Especially in the evening very faint, and at the same time shortness of breath.
General weakness.
Weak uncertain gait, the knees are inclined to bend beneath him . he cannot walk.
1110. Frequently recurring abort attacks of great weakness ; all feels too heavy to her, and drags her downwards as though she would sink together. [Bhr.]
Paralytic-like weakness of all the muscles of the upper and lower extremities (aft. 6 d.). [Hbg.]
Paralytic-like weakness of all the muscles, especially of the legs.
Paralysis. at one time in this, at another in that part. [GREDING, 1, c., p. 703.]
Paralysis of the right arm and right leg.(See note to S.175)[GREDING, 1. c., pp. 661, 663.]
1115. The left side, especially the arm and leg, are quite paralyzed.(See note to S. 175 ) [GREDING, 1. C., p. 662.]
Attacks of syncope. [GREDING, 1. c.]
Apoplectic states .( After epileptic convulsions ) [WAGNER, 1. c. (11).]
He lay for four days, without eating anything and motionless, like a corpse. [ J. B. PORTA, Magia Natur., viii.]
Lethargic,. apoplectic state ; for a day and night they lay without motion in any limb ; on being pinched they opened their eyes, but emitted no sound. [ WAGNER, 1. c., (1).]
1120. Soporose state. [ HASENEST, 1. c. ]
Very deep slumber.
Deep sleep. [DILLENIUS, (Poisoning of a mother and six children by the berries.)Misc. Nat. Cur. Dec. iii, ann. 7, 8, obs. 161 ]
Deep sleep for twenty-four hours. [WIERUS, 1. c.]
Very deep sopor, with subsultus tendium,pale cold face, cold hands, and hard, small, rapid pulse. [MAY, 1, c.]
1125. Stupefaction that compels him to sleep in the forenoon ; he slept profoundly for an hour and a half ; on awaking great hunger, with severe burning heat and dryness in the mouth, without thirst ; thereafter when coughing foul breath, smelling of human excrement. [Htg.]
Before midnight restless sleep ; the child tosses about, kicks, and speaks crossly in its sleep.
Immediately on falling asleep he dreams.
After long sleep great thirst. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 684 (19).]
Sleep full of dreams : she is occupied with many people ; she wants to go away, but does not go so far as that. [Kr.]
1130. She dreams to an uncommon extent, but tranquilly, of home occupations. [Stf.]
Very profound sleep, without many dreams, until towards morning (aft. 5 d.). [Hbg.]
Night sleep with unremembered dreams ; he fell asleep sooner than usual and woke earlier, and not without refreshment, which, however, always after a few hours gave place to the lassitude in the limbs that was always present at other times. [Gss.]
He dreams of danger from fire, and wakes in consequence (aft. 54 h.).
Frightful dreams vividly remembered.
1135. At night very stupefied sleep, anxious dreams of murderers and highwaymen ; he once heard himself call out loudly, but without thereby coming to his senses. [Mkl.]
In the evening frequent starting up out of sleep on going to sleep; the feet were jerked upwards and the head forwards. [Ws.]
Intolerable sleep on account of horribly increased pains and frightful dreams.
He starts up and wakes, just when about to fall asleep.
Full of affright and terror she awakes at night ; it seemed to her as if there was something under her bed that made a noise : she had dry heat on waking.
1140. She started in otherwise quite sleep, as though she were falling deep down, whereupon she gave a violent start. [Stf.]
In his sleep he starts up in a fright and wakes. [Hbg.]
Anxiety prevents sleep.
Nocturnal sleeplessness on account of anxiety, with drawing Pad in all the limbs
Fright in a dream, whereon he wakes, and there is sweat on the forehead and pit of the stomach.
1145. He is constantly wakened up out of sleep by frightful dreams and twitchings. [ZIEGLER, 1. C.]
In his stupefied sleep he opens his eyes, gazes wildly about him, and then falls again into snoring sleep [BALDINGER, 1, c.]
At night he had dreams that tired his mind very much, and in the morning he was quite weary when he ought to get up. [L. Rkt.]
At the time of going to sleep he knew not whether he was dreaming of waking. [ Hbg.]
Vivid; but unremembered dreams. [Lr.]
1150. Lying in bed in the evening it seems to him that he is swimming away with his bed ; for ten successive evenings, immediately after lying down, he seems to swim in his bed. [Fr. H-n.]
In the morning he cannot rouse himself out of steep ; on awaking he is very cross. [ Ws.]
Singing and talking loudly in sleep.
She sleeps much, and even when the cough wakes her, she falls asleep again immediately, and yet in the morning she is giddy and tired.[Kr.]
Frequent waking out of sleep, and though he turns first on one aide and then on the other, he can get no rest and cannot go to sleep again. [Lr]
1155. At night, sleeping or waking, interrupted breathing ; inspiration and expiration last only half as long as the pause before taking the new inspiration; the expiration came in jerks, and was louder than the inspiration ; the inspiration lasted only a little longer than the expiration.
(When asleep suffocating snoring during inspiration.)
Frequent waking out of sleep at night, just as if he had slept enough (the first night). [Lr.]
Vain efforts to sleep. [GRIMM, 1. c.]
He cannot sleep at night; the delusion that he had to do something necessary keeps him from sleeping.
1160. Very little sleep. [Ln]
Sleeplessness for several days. [HOYER,( Poisoning of an old woman by the berries ). in Misc. Nat. Cur., Dec. iii, ann. 7, 8, obs. 176 ]
Constant drowsiness, with inclination to stretch out the limbs, in the evening from 5 to 9 o'clock (aft. 11 h.). [Mkl.]
(Sleeplessness, with alleviation of the pains, at night.)
1165. Constant confusion, with sleepiness (aft. 4 h.). [Gss.]
Drowsiness (aft, 1/2 h.).
Towards evening, in the twilight, sleepiness with yawning, but in the morning feeling of not having slept enough.
On awaking from sleep headache and great exhaustion.
In the morning on awaking headache only over the eyes, like a weight in the head, and touching the eye causes pain.
1170. In the morning very tired and giddy. [Kr.]
Drowsiness perceived immediately after waking. [Gss.]
Dozing. [SAUVAGES, 1. C.-VALENTINI, (Same narrative as that of Mardorf (q.v)).Misc. Nat. Our., Dec. ii,ann. 10, obs.118.]
A sort of coma, with small, weak, irregular pulse. [BOUCHER, 1, c.]
Drowsiness, with restlessness. [MARDORF, 1. c.]
1175. Great drowsiness. [Sicelius,, 1. c.]
Afternoon attack of frequent stretching and yawning, during which the eyes fill with tears (aft. 48 h.).
Frequent yawning. [EB. GMELIN, 1. c.]
Yawning like an intoxicated person. (MARDORF, I. c.]
Frequent yawning as if he had not slept enough (aft. 2.1/4 h:). [Lr.]
1180. Feverish movements. [ZIEGLER, 1. c.-SAUVAGFS, 1. c.]
Feverish movements every other day. [SAUTER, 1. c. (11).]
Fever after every dose. [LEN TIN, (Effects of B. administered for mammary scirrhus) Beobacht., p. 81.]
Evening fever.( Not found.-The whole history related by G-ch embraces a few hours only )[G-cH, 1. c.]
Violent thirst (aft. 30 h.).
1185. Violent thirst after midnight and in the morning.
Anxious thirst. [GRIMM, I. c.]
Very troublesome thirst. [MAY, 1. c.]
Excessive thirst for cold water (aft. 4 h.). [EL. CAMERARIUS, 1. c.]
Tormented by burning thirst and heat in all parts ; she longs for drink from time to time, but rejects it when offered to her. [GRIMM 1. c.]
1190. After the perspiration at first induced has diminished, the thirst increases and the appetite falls off. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 650.]
At night much thirst and dryness of the mouth.
Thirst, frequent micturition, and dimness of vision in the morning. [GREDING, 1. C., p. 670 (14).]
In the morning great thirst. [Hbg.]
Great thirst, frequent micturition, profuse sweat. [G RE DING, 1. c.p. 690 (22).]
1195. She is deathly pale, quite lifeless, and cold as snow. [ Kr]
In the morning, icy-cold hands, with confusion of the head and lachrymose humour.
Coldness of the whole body, with pale face.
Cold feet, with heat in the internal ear, in the evening.
Cold feet, with swollen red face and rush of blood to head.
1200. Coldness of the whole body, especially of the feet. [Hbg.]
Cold hands and feet, with rather profuse cold perspiration of the feet (aft. 10 h.).[ Mkl]
Cold hands and feet. [Ln.]
An unusual cold feeling in the legs, chiefly in the feet (aft. 5 h.)[Ln.]
Chilliness. [MUNCH, 1. c.]
1205. A violent chill seizes her in the back and scrobiculus cordis, or in both arms at once, and thence spreads all over the body. [Bhr.]
(Chilliness after evening.)
In her sleep she is chilly and feels the coldness while asleep ; she is also cold on awaking.
Chilliness, especially on the arms, with goose-skin, on undressing ; at the same time redness and heat of ears and nose.
Chill and rigor with goose-skin even when close to the warm stove (aft. 1 h.). [Mkl.]
1210. Febrile chill with fine shooting pain in .the chest. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 661.]
As soon as a cold wind plays on her she immediately shivers otherwise she feels better in the open air. [Kr.]
Over-sensitiveness to cold air. [SAUTER, 1. c. (11).]
Frequent yawning and then chill over the body, but only running over the skin externally, in the evening. [Bhr.]
Rigor over arms and abdomen, not on the head (aft: 2 h.).
1215. Immediately after noon slight rigor with dimness o vision. [GREDING, I. C., p. 685 (19).]
Rigor over one arm. [ Hbg. ]
Rigor over the abdomen. [Hbg.]
Febrile rigor and cold hands. [L. Rkt.]
Towards evening fever ; shaking rigor jerks her up in bed, after two hours heat and general perspiration, without thirst either during the rigor or the heat.
1220. In short fits rigors run down the back, not followed by heat. [Ws.]
Very small, slow pulse. [Hbg.]
Fever : in the morning febrile chill, followed by slight heat. [GREDING, I. C., p. 644.]
Fever : chilliness running all over the body (aft. 1 h.)four hours afterwards hot feeling and heat, especially of the face. [Hrr.]
Fever : at night febrile chill, which was soon succeeded by heat of the body, and frequent micturition and weariness of the limbs ; the following night a double febrile attack of the same kind, with vertigo and thirst. [Greding, 1. c., p. 643.]
1225. Fever : cold rigor through the body ; in the afternoon heat spreads over it. [Hbg.]
Fever : in the evening on undressing some chilliness over the body, then heat on the whole of the left side of the body.
(Fever : after the chill feels well for several hours, then sweat only on the face, the hands (?), and the feet (?) before the heat comes ; no sleep during the hear, almost complete absence of thirst during the chill and none at all during the sweat and heat : only during the sweat on the face some headache, but none during the chill or heat.)
(Fever : first putrid taste in them mouth then heat of the face and hands after the disappearance of he heat the pain increased.)
Frequently during the day repeated febrile attacks, shaking rigor followed by general heat and sweat all over the body, without thirst either in the chill or the heat.
1230. Fever : along with external coldness there is inward burning heat.
Fever : alternations of chill and heat. [Bhr.]
Fever: Sudden alternations of heat and chill, both without thirst, with drowsiness by day (aft. 12 d.). [Ws.]
Several febrile attacks in one day, in which the heat followed the chill in from a few minutes to half an hour, always without thirst in the chill and heat, and generally with confusion of the head. (Hrr.]
Fever : in the evening, in bed, chill, then heat : the chill spread from the sacrum, ran up over the back, and down again to the thighs. [Kr.]
1235. Strong, quick pulse. [Ln.]
Large, full, slow pulse.
Very small, quick pulse.
Large quick pulse, accelerated by ten beats. [Gss.]
Violent heat. [RAU, 1. c.]
1240. Burning skin. (Et.. CAMERARIUS, 1. c,]
Very great heat all over, with delirium. [Cornmerc. lit. Nor., 1731.]
Burning heat externally and internally [VICAT, 1. c.]
Inward burning. [CARL, 1. c.]
General dry heat on the extreme ends of the feet and hands with adipsia and paleness of face, for twelve hours.
1245. Internal heat, burning in the gastric region. [HASENEST, 1. c.]
Internal heat ; everything she takes seems too cold. [Kr.]
Acute fever, burning fever.( This represents, in the original_ "the skin was dry and burning, and the pulse small, wiry, hard, and extremely frequent.)" [DE LAUNAY D'HERMONT, 1. c.]
Burning fever (causus) (aft. 12 h.). [DE ST. MARTIN, 1. c ]
Burning heat of the body and greatly swollen blood-vessels of the skin, with rage. [BALDINGER, 1. c.]
1250. Along with great heat, swelling of the external blood-vessels of the body, with unquenchable thirst. [BALDINGER, 1. c.]
Swollen cutaneous veins. [Hbg.]
The blood-vessels of the limbs are distended, the arteries of the neck in particular beat so that the lower jaw, when the mouth is a little open, at every beat strikes against the upper jaw, and thus a slight chattering of the teeth arises, at the same time warmth and warm feeling all over the body, but especially on the head. [F. H-n.]
In the morning on waking a beating of the arteries in the head, and in all parts of the body. [Kr.]
At night, particularly towards morning, he is' too hot in bed, and yet he dare not uncover himself ; the uncovered parts pain as from a chill.
1255. Great heat of the body, more violent and more frequent pulsations of the arteries, especially of the temporals, with stupid feeling of the head, followed by profuse sweat. [GREDING. 1. c., ii, 2, p. 319.]
Daily after dinner great heat of body, especially of the head, so that the face becomes occasionally very red. [GREDING, 1. c., i, p. 665.7
Daily about noon (for twelve days) sudden heat of head, and redness of face, with great dimness of vision and much thirst, for an hour. [GREDING, 1. C., p. 670 (14).]
Feeling of heat, with heat of the whole body, especially in the face, which was red and perspiring, with confusion of head
(aft. 4 h.). [Hrr.]
(In the evening heat on the hands and feet, but not on the arms and legs.)
1260. Slight movement (walking) causes heat of the body.
Redness and heat of face, with great thirst. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 672 (14).]
Inflammation of the surface of the whole body. [SAUVAGES, 1. c.]
Redness of the whole body. [MUNCH, 1. c.]
Redness of the whole body, with quick pulse. [BUCHAVE, 1. c.]
1265. Heat of the whole body, with violet-redness of all the skin.[WIEDEMANN, I. C.]
Great swelling of the face, and intense heat, which at times extend; over the whole body. [BUCHAVE, 1. c.]
The whole body is swollen, burning hot, and red. [SAUTER, 1. c,(1). ]
Speedy death, and a universal gangrene throughout the whole body, which in a short time became black throughout, and so flaccid that the cuticle adhered to the surgeon's hands. [MAPPI, Plant. Alsat., p. 36 (From drinking a large quantity of the juice mixed with wine). ]
Sudden inflammations. [MARDORF, 1, c.]
1270. Very transient inflammations (phlogoses) and tightness of the chest. [GREDING, 1. C., p. 648.]
Redness and swelling of the affected part. [SAUTER, 1. c. (11).]
Prickling, stinging sensation all over the skin, especially on the soles of the feet. [SAUTER, 1. c. (11).]
Creeping sensations. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 672 (14).]
Itching of the whole body and eruption of red fleabite spots (aft. 4 h.). SAUTER, 1, C, (11).]
1275. Chest and abdomen are covered with small, red somewhat elevated, painless spots, that often disappear and re-appear, with general redness of the skin. [Ws.]
Acute, erysipelatous fever, accompanied by the inflamed swellings, even passing into mortification.
Inflamed red and variously shaped patches on the skin ; scarlet -red spots over the body (which itch ?) (aft. 16 h.).
Blood-red spots all over the body, especially on the face, neck, and chest. (SAUTER, 1. c. (11).]
Measly cutaneous eruption . [BUCHAVE, 1. C.]
1280. Dark red scarlatina-like spots all over the body, with small, quick pulse, tightness of chest, violent cough, (This was the previously existing whooping-cough, increased in violence) raving, increased memory, rubbing of the nose and dilated pupils. [WIEDEMANN, 1. c.]
Scarlatina rash (the first days). [STRUVE,( Not accessible) Triumph d. Heilk., i p. 64.]
Eruption on the skin of bullae, which exude a quantity of limpid of creamy lymph, and therewith such intense pain that the patient,
though accustomed to suffering, cannot refrain from lamentations and tears. [LAMBERGEN, I. C.]
Great heat (immediately) and then very profuse sweat. [GREDING, 1. c.. ii, 2, p. 320.]
Heat of the body with sweat (aft. 2 h.). [Ln.]
1285. Sweat (after several hours). [ACKERMANN, 1, c.]
He perspires, on slight movement, all over, chiefly on the face, down the nose.
He feels very hot ; he perspires all over, but without thirst.
He perspires freely all over when walking in the open air (in the wind) and at the same time gets bellyache, just as if he had got a chill.
Night-sweat, which has a burnt odour.
1290. Profuse night-sweats, which do not weaken him. [ACKERMANN, 1. c.]
Night-sweat. [Hbg.]
Morning sweat. [ZIEGLER, 1. c.]
Profuse sweat. [EVERS, in Schmucker's verm. Schriften, i, p. 185.GREDING,, 1. C., p. 652.]
Cold sweat on forehead (aft. 1 h.). [L. Rkt.]
1295. Every night profuse sweat. [GREDING, 1. c.. in various places.]
Night sweat during sleep, after midnight.
Waking immediately after midnight in perspiration -(he cannot go to sleep again) ; the sweat continues while he is awake (aft. 54 h.).
(During sleep at night no perspiration, but he perspires in his day sleep.)
Sweat while asleep. [BUCHAVE, 1. c.]
1300. Sweat all over the body during sleep. [SAUTER, 1. c. (11).]
Sweat all over from 4 p.m. to midnight, then sleep during the sweat. [SAUTER, 1. c. (11).]
Profuse sweat with diuresis. [ZIEGLER, 1. c.-GREDING, 1. c pp 688, 689 (21, 22) ]
Very profuse, long-continued sweat, which stains the linen dark. [GREDING, I. C., p. 667.]
Sudden breaking out of general sweat, which disappears as suddenly.[L. Rkt.]
1305. Sweat as soon as he covers himself with the bed-clothes, especially on the upper parts. [Hbg.]
It is only the parts that are covered with the bed-clothes that perspire, in the evening.
Quite early in the morning (about 2 or 3 a.m.) after awaking, perspiration when the arms are covered, which goes off when he uncovers them.
In the morning, intermitting sweat, that rose from the feet up into the face, where it was particularly profuse ; but immediately afterwards she got cool again. [Kr.]
During the febrile heat there occurs general perspiration when the hands are covered by the bed-clothes, but when she uncovers them general chilliness.
1310. Trembling. [HORST.-DE LAUNAY D'HERMONT.-EB. GMELIN, 1. c.]
He readily starts, especially when any one approaches him.[L. Rkt.]
By day, great anxiety ; she cannot rest anywhere ;she feels as if she should run away.
Great anxiety about the praecordia. [WAGNER, 1. c. (1).]
Very anxious and fearful. [Mkl.]
1315. Anxiety in the cardiac region (aft. 3 h.). [Ln.]
Anxiety, during the menses. [SCHMUCKER. 1. c.-LAMBERGEN, 1. c.]
Frequent groaning (grunting) especially in the morning, without being able to tell why; or what pain makes him do so.
Grunting and groaning at each expiration.
Grunting and groaning in sleep.
1320. Sighs.( Immediately before death) [EB. GMELIN, 1. c.]
Groaning alternating with hopping and dancing. [MARDORF,1. c-]
With a sudden cry he trembles in hands and feet. [GREDING,1. c., p. 644.]
Much anxiety, and, an hour afterwards perspiration. [HENNING,1. c.]
Events which hitherto he had hoped for with pleasure, now appear to him in an anxious light ; they appear to him frightful and horrible. [L. Rkt. ]
1325. In the momentary intervals, when free from fury, complaints of intolerable anxiety, so that she wished to die. [BALDINGR, 1. c.]
About noon and evening, praecordial anxiety, headache, redness of face and bitterness of mouth. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 671 (14)]
Anxiety and restlessness. [EB. GMELIN, 1. c.]
Restlessness.[BOUCHER, 1. c.]
Great restlessness she cannot remain long seated in one place ;she is driven all about. [Kr]
1330. Continual turning about of the whole body, as in chorea. [BOUCHER, 1. C.]
Incessant movement of the body, especially of the arms, with unaltered pulse. BOUCHER, 1. c.]
Great movement hither and thither in bed. [BOUCHER, 1. c.]
Unconnected talking in the evening. [ACKERMANN, 1, c.]
Raving, delirium. [ZIEGLER.- MAY.-EL. CAMERARIUS.-Med. Chirurg. Wahrnehm., vii.-EB. GMELIN.-BUC'HOZ, 1. c.]
1335. Continual delirium. [HORST, 1. c.]
After eating the delirium is allayed. [P. H-n.]
He makes preparations to go home.( See next symptom. )[GREDING, 1. c., p. 688 (21).]
He is delirious, and cries out in his dreams that he must go home, because Everything is on fire there. [GREDING; 1. c., p. 688 (21).]
Raves about wolves being in the room ; at the same time full pulse. [G-CH, 1. c.]
1340. Delirious talk about dogs surrounding him. [HUFELAND, Jour., xvi.]
He is beside himself, raves, talks much about dogs, his arm and face swell. [MUNCH, 1. C.]
At night he talks nonsense, by day he is sensible. [GREDING, l, c., p. 676 (16).]
Nocturnal delirium, which is allayed by day. [GREDING, I. c., p. 655.]
At one time he is delirious, at another he answers sensibly and bemoans himself. [EL. CAMERARIUS, 1. c.]
1345. Delirium in recurring paroxysms.( Not found.) [ALBRECHT, 1. c.]
He murmurs as in sleep. [HASENEST, 1. C.]
She talks nonsense and extreme folly. [GRIMM, 1. c.]
Foolish chatter. [BUUCHER.-EL. CAMERARIUS (aft. 6 h ).- BUCHAVE, 1. c.-GREDING, 1. C., p. 650.]
She chatters nonsense with great rapidity. [SAUTER, 1. C. (1).]
1350. Chattering like a mad person, with staring, protruding eyes. [BUCHAVE, 1. C.]
Chattering, lascivious.( See note to S. 175.) [GREDING, 1. C., p. 663.]
After the chattering fit speechlessness.[BUCHAVE, 1. C.]
Gay mania. [SAUVAGES, 1. c.]
Sits unoccupied behind the stove ; she tries to compose songs, and sings aloud songs of a gay, though nonsensical character ; sometimes she whistled, but would neither eat nor drink ; at the same time she neither heard nor saw anything, with paleness of face and sweat on the forehead. [F. H-n.]
1355. He sings and trills. [ Med. Chir. Wahrnehm.. vii.]
Excessively gay disposition, he is disposed to sing and whistle (evening) (aft. 13 h.). [Ws.]
Involuntary, almost loud laughter, without having any laughable thoughts. [L. Rkt.]
He smiles for a long time to himself. [GREDING, l. c., p. 650.]
Frequent laughter. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 651.]
1360. Laughing and singing she touches surrounding objects all day. [GREDING, 1. C., p. 690(22).] .
She bursts out in loud laughter, sings, and touches things near her. [GREDING, 1, C, p. 679 (17).]
Loud laughter. [GRIMM.-DUMOULIN.-HOCHSTETTER, 1. C.-Med. Chirurg. Wahrnehm., vii.]
Uncontrollable loud laughter. [CARL, 1. c.]
Unrestrainedly and exuberantly merry, inclined to scold without cause, and to insult in a laughing humour. [Htg.]
1365. Excessive gaiety after supper, the vital powers extraordinarily increased for a quarter of an hour, followed by drowsiness. [Mkl.]
Ridiculous grimaces ; she takes hold of those about her, at one time she sits, at another she acts as if she were washing, at another as if counting money, at another as if she were drinking. [HASENEST, 1. c.)
At one time he displays laughing madness, at another he talks sensibly (aft. 1, 16 h.).
He does foolish, ridiculous tricks (aft. 1/2, 6. 8 h.).
Various gesticulations. [HOCHSTETTER, 1, c.]
1370. Insanity. [HOCHSTETTER, 1. c.]
Insanity ; they strip themselves, run about the streets in their shirts, gesticulate, dance, laugh loudly, chatter nonsense, and do foolish things. [ DILLENIUS, l. c.]
He walks lifting his feet high, as if he must step over things in his path, like a drunken person. [SICELIUS, l. c.]
Violent shaking of the head. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 653.]
Great shaking of the head, foam before the mouth, and lost consciousness. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 673 (14).]
1375. She claps her hands above her head, with a short, very violent cough that threatens to suffocate her, at night. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 691 (22).]
He claps his hands, wags his head from side to side, and viscid saliva hangs down in long strings from his lips. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 691 (22).]
She distorts her facial muscles in a horrible way, protrudes her tongue to its full extent, clacks with her tongue, and retches as though she would vomit, in fits. [GREDING, 1. c.]
At one time he grasps hastily at those 'near him, at another he shrinks back in affright. [SAUTER, 1. c. (11).]
Weeping. [DUMOULIN, l. c.]
1380. Very excited humour, she is always disposed to weep. [Bhr.]
While walking, in the open air she is overcome by lachrymose anxiety ; she is weary of life, and wishes to go into the water to drown herself.
Lachrymose fearfulness. (aft. 1/8 h.; aft. 2, and within 8 h.).
At first piteous weeping, which then passes into impatient and impassioned howling (with chilliness) (aft. 1 h.).
Violent weeping, whining, and howling without cause, combined with fearfulness.(aft. 2 to 8, aft. 8 to 12, rarely aft. 12 to 20 h.).
1385. Weeping and excessive Grossness on awaking from sleep.
Depression, unhappiness. [ BOUCHER, 1. c.]
He gets up at night and walks up and down buried in thought. [GREDING, l, c., p. 682 (18).]
Indisposed, indifferent to everything, defective activity of body and mind. [Mkl.]
Hourly alternation of weeping and cross humour.
1390. Excessive indifference, for hours ; one might take her life, she would not stir. [Kr.]
Apathy; nothing can make an impression on her ; after some days very sensitive cross humour ; she has no pleasure in anything.
Cheerless, peevish, disinclined for everything.
Whining peevishness about trifles, with headache like pressure from a stone.
Disinclined to speak. [ Hrr. ]
1395. He wishes for solitude and quiet ; all noise and visits from others are repugnant to him. [ Hrr. ]
Silent moroseness (aft. 8 h.), two days afterwards ordinary humour, but the following day again morose. [Hrr.]
Very morose and serious. [Hbg]
He was cross about one thing and another.
Very irritable humour with great dryness in mouth.
1400. Great irritability and acuteness of the senses ; everything tastes and smells stronger ; the sense of touch, the sight, and the hearing are more acute, and the humour is more mobile and the thoughts more active (aft. 3 h.).
Peevishness, nothing was right for him ; he was angry with himself. [Fr. H-n.]
Very excited; she soon loses her temper and then begins to weep. [Bhr.]
He is easily excited to anger, even by trifles. [Hrr.]
They stammered out violent language. [DUMOULIN, 1. c.]
1405. Delirium either in recurring paroxysms or continued first merry, but afterwards changes into fury. [VICAT, 1. c.]
Howling and crying out about trifles, which becomes worse when spoken to kindly, with pupils that easily dilate and very readily contract.
Violent inclination to quarrel, which cannot be soothed.
Delirium with wildness. [HOYER, 1, c.]
1410. Fury ; the boy does not know his parents . (From a single berry.) [SOLENANDER,( Same case as that of Wierus. The symptom is made up of SS. 1409 and 42.) to Abhand. der Konigl. Acad. d. Wissench., Breslau, 1750, p. 364.]
She tosses wildly about in bed (aft. 10 h.). [SAUTER, l, c. (1).]
She tears her night-dress and bed-clothes. [SAUTER, l . c. (1).]
He strikes his face with his fists. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 664.]
Maniacal fury with violence.
1415. Fury, with gnashing of the teeth and convulsions. [ MAY, 1. c.]
In place of eating what he desired he bit the wooden spoon to pieces, gnawed the dishes, and growled and barked like a dog.[MUNCH, in Richter's Biblioth., v, p. 564.]
Madness, in which the patient was often very merry, sang and cried out, then again spat and bit. [ELFES, 1. c.]
She does nonsensical things, teats her clothes to rags, picks up stones from the ground and pelts those around her with them (aft. 2 h,), [SAUTER, l. c. (1).]
Fury ; he injures himself and others and strikes about him. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 664.]
1420. He tries to bite those about him at night. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 682 (18).]
Fury ; she clutches those about her by the hair. [MARDORF, l. c. ]
Along with burning heat of the body, with open, stating, and fixed eyes, such fury that she must constantly be held fast in order to prevent her attacking others, and when thus held so that she could 'not move she spat constantly at those about her. [BALDINGER, 1. c.]
After sleep excessive moroseness ; be bites those about him. [BUCHAVE, l. c.]
He bites at everything near him. [MUNCH, 1. c.]
1425. Inclination to bite those about him. [DUMOULIN, 1. c.]
Inclination to tear everything about her to pieces. [DUMOULIN, 1. c. ]
He tears to pieces everything about him, bites, and spits. [SAUTER, 1. c. (11).]
Throws off the bed-clothes in his madness. [EB. GMELIN, l. c.]
Tries to jump out of bed. [ EB. GMELIN, 1. c.]
1430. So anxious and distracted that she apprehends the approach of death.( This symptom cannot be found in Timmermann's treatise.) [TIMMERMANN, Diss. Periculum Belladonna.]
He fears death is nigh. [ EB. GMELIN, 1. c.]
Fearful mistrust.
Fearful madness ; he is afraid of an imaginary black dog, of the gallows, &c (more frequently in the first 12 hours, more rarely in the following hours).
Madness ; he thinks that his living body is putrifying.
1435. He tries to run away. [SAUTER, 1. c. (11).]
He makes an excuse and tuns out into the open fields. [MUNCH, 1. c.]
She tries to strangle herself, and begs those about her to kill her, for this time she must die. [GREDING, l. c., p. 690 (22).]
She begs those around her to kill her. [GREDING, 1. c., p. 692 (22).]
Throws herself down from a height (in delirium). [BUCH'OZ, l. c.]
1440. Throws herself into the water.[ SAUTER, 1. c. (1).]
End of belladonna